
The point of my metaphor was not to determine whether standing up to bullies in real life is effective. It's that how we react to situations depends on our previous experiences. In my example, the person had already attempted to stand up for themselves and it failed. If all women had to do was speak up to solve the

You are basically saying that you wish people behaved in a way that completely goes against behavioral psychology.

if i saw it unfold i would do everything i could to see that the "culprit" is dealt with and not be one of the on lookers making excuses.

They were always brash, and offensive. Sometimes insightful, and often brought up great topics relating to the problems in the industry. But then they started doing PAX, and all of these other more "public/all ages" ventures, and that's where the trouble starts. I bet if the people who hated the Dickwolves joke so

I agree that the 2DS look less cramped than the clamshell designs. My wife and I have the Animal Crossing 3Ds XL and she loves it, so I'm not getting rid of that, but if I were to decide that I absolutely needed a second '3DS', I would get the 2DS for sure.

Could it possibly be because the game is actually good and comes together in an original way?

The last Mario game that I feel was truly great was Super Mario Galaxy.

I think there was a lot of foreshadowing for the future.

I disagree that she went above and beyond. Microsoft hired this guy for a professional event, and it's completely fair that his public reputation is affected by his public, professional performance.

There's a difference between making jokes about "offensive" topics, and humiliating a specific person in front of a group of people who is just trying to enjoy themselves like everyone else.

Now, for the fine print. Each major retailer in the US is offering their own take on the offer. Here's where you can find more info on each for the Xbox One:

The grips look wider than the ones on the original Vita. I hope this is the case because I find it to be way too easy to accidentally his the rear touch pad while playing.

There was no outrage the comic that you are referencing. That is the essential difference. Most of the controversy was created by how they chose to respond to criticism, not the fact that their comic caused criticism in the first place. Let's say that hypothetically, there was a backlash at this comic. People who were

The problem with Microsoft's reactive "responding to customer feedback" approach is that means they are constantly pushing the boundaries of what customers will put up with, and then pulling back just far enough when they've gone too far. That's why they completely crippled online capabilities for non-gold members,

Not really. Having mechanics that explicitly prevent playing the game on the gamepad is different than having mechanics that are greatly *improved* by the addition of the gamepad. For example, Pikmin 3 is vastly improved by the addition of a second screen, but they couldn't make it necessary because it needs to be

Devs for PS4/Vita can't make games that require both at the same time because of the barriers to entry, whereas every single Wii U owner will have a GamePad.

"Girls" and "Jocks" as a whole didn't pick on you, certain girls and certain jocks did. It's not like the very people who bashed nerds are growing up, turning around and saying "I'm a geek now!".

I think the increase in e-sport coverage is a positive thing, but I have absolutely no idea what is happening. I can tell that he's clicking a lot and it's impressive, but that's not enough to follow a match and understand his strategy. I've watched videos with commentators and they might as well be speaking a

I've never gotten a platinum trophy. I've come close in a lot of games, but there is always those handful of trophies that aren't worth it. I especially hate collecting missions where there is no way to earn a map in the game to figure out which ones you've missed. When trophies first came out, I attempted to go for

I have this issue of finding friends to play with online. I just don't know that many people who are gamers, and they all seem to prefer different systems and types of games, so I rarely have a friend, let alone multiple friends playing the same games I am at the same time. Because of this, I find myself not really