
I have to roll my eyes at all the, "but this happens everywhere! Not just in the games industry!" posts, as if that somehow makes everything okay. You're missing the point - it's also happening here and now, and the industry needs to try to better itself. We should better than this. Even if we can't improve how the

I think I can explain.

There are two kinds of people in this world.

Certainly it is very wrong, it isn't the second-best, it IS the best.

Absolutely, and I feel like getting into arguments about who has it worse is absolutely pointless and just hurts progress on both sides. So many women get (rightfully) upset when their concerns over body image/femininity/etc are belittled and sneered at by men that it BOGGLES MY MIND that they would turn around and do

Yeah, while it's nice to see PBS talking about it, it's kind of a no-brainer.

Of course those stereotypes can also be harmful to men. I mean, the crappy (and insidious) thing about gender stereotyping is that it effectively limits the range of "acceptable" ways of being. People are expected to conform to a very narrow,

She speaks not a word and looks provocative...a literal object. Great job reinforcing gamer stereotypes, Kojima-san. Is Team Ninja hiring for their next game and you want to get in on that?

1.) Fair enough on the team's part; they have every right to determine whom they do/do not wish to do business with—and frankly, kudos to them for sticking to their guns despite potential damage to their business.

2.) Krahulik's insensitivity is nothing new. Look, he and Holkins do some real good (and have been for

I don't know if you intended to do so, but you've won the irony award for this century.