
Cameras: No one I know with a smart phone carries a camera with them.

To echo most of the the other commenters, the price is simply too high. I feel for the creators though because I'm sure they are doing their best to keep the price as low as possible. They don't have the backing of an enormous company to negotiate the best manufacturing costs and take a hit on hardware to boost sales.

NSMB Wii was a co-op game from the ground up. Single-player was a side note.

I don't work in the game industry, but from what it seems like from the outside, employees are often required to work a lot of extra hours for no extra pay and employers have the attitude that if you don't like it, you can be replaced.

Best of luck. This might not highlight her skills enough to warrant getting a job, but it's a creative enough approach to warrant a pre-interview phone call.

That's funny, I was thinking that the video would have been a better fit for Double Fine.

I might actually give is a shot. I've always been curious but I always felt like I should hold off the trial until I have a couple of weeks when I will have a lot of time to play, which never aligns with the times that I'm reminded of WOW.

That's true, but I think that it will basically become a standard feature because it will allow people to game more without competing for the television. Hopefully there will be some titles that really take the idea of a separate screen to interesting places and aren't afraid to disable the TV-less feature, but I

It's a prediction, not a conclusion.

I think that they are trying to do too much with their controller and it will ultimately prevent it from reaching it's full potential. My main issue is the feature where you can turn off your TV and continue playing the game. I can see why that's appealing, but what that means is that any developer who wants to take

That is disgusting, that people have to go to those lengths to have basic legal rights in their relationships.

I think I'm leaning towards this over the 3DS, but there is no way I would consider buying a handheld for more than $250.

I bought my first motorcycle. It's a blue 2005 Kawasaki Vulcan 500 LTD.

If you walked into a warehouse that stores weapons and they were all missing, then you would immediately know exactly what was stolen and therefore know the severity of the issue. The theft of digital information is a completely different situation. The whole point is that they didn't know if it was a relatively

How can they announce what was at risk when they didn't even know what the hackers were after? Keep in mind all the recent publicity surrounding Sony prosecuting hackers, hackers who were much more likely to target Sony as a means of being a thorn in their side and proving a point rather than criminal theft. If they

After changing all my passwords because of the Gawker hack a while ago, I've been having a lot of trouble remembering which password goes with what account. Now with this PSN hack, I basically had to change everything again because I'm not 100% sure what password I was using with PSN.

This isn't surprising. How many people out there are serious enough gamers to want a dedicated game pad on their phone, but are somehow still clamoring for a way to play PS1 games? Probably not many. I really think they should have designed two models of the PSP successor, one with a phone and one without, but both

I think the real question is, how many games do we play where we actually are the terrorists? How many games justify indiscriminate killing, rampant destruction and innocent casualties for the purposes of revenge or justice for being wronged, or plain personal gain, all in the guise of being "the hero"?

Obviously having your identity stolen is worse than RROD, but the PSN hack is not automatically analogous to identity theft. First off, the only information they have that cannot be found in publicly available databases were credit card numbers and passwords. Out of 10 millions "compromised" numbers, only one person

The fact that Sony's network got hacked does not mean their security stuff wasn't up to date, but I think it's a good thing to investigate and hold them accountable none-the-less. I would hate to see other companies become lax in that area because of an attitude that hackers can get through anything, so they are not