
@WolvenOne: Makes sense. Hopefully it's fine, but I see why you are concerned.

@DarkSolstice: I think that Sony's 3D gaming strategy is indicative of their status as a consumer electronics company rather than just a gaming company. They are taking a huge risk with 3D technology as whole company, and gaming is a relatively cheap way to give those who are more affluent an incentive to invest in

@Batman: It's true that including blu-ray with the PS3 may have hurt Sony in the race for most popular gaming console, but winning the format war probably benefited Sony much more overall than edging out Microsoft would have.

@wicket_lfe: Why would you trade in controllers? Is the controller with the new system any different?

@Batman: No question, and if I'm losing out on money, I'd rather that another gamer benefits than gamestop.

@madammina: I said the same thing a few days ago!

@Tatsuya: The screen produces a separate image for each eye, which tricks your brain into seeing a 3D picture. That's why you have to hold it in the "sweet spot" so that the angle of the images line up with your eyes correctly.

This is the one game that is actually making me consider getting a kinect. I had assumed that it was just going to end up being another technological novelty that quickly wears off, but I know that Harmonix has a history of deep, quality experiences. My friends would love this.

@realitymonster: Or, you could just learn some new dance moves at home with friends and have fun doing it, and not worry about how it impacts your clubbing scene.

@Boom!: I've been noticing on glyde that their suggested "fair market prices" for the games I'm selling are very low. I'm not sure that their algorithms are working very well, at least not for sellers.

I think this will be the first time I ever buy hardware at launch. I'm psyched!

@CommentingpointlesslyisMeh: As it is, the pixel density is slightly higher than the PSP. That's not bad. If they were using a regular 2D screen, then I agree that they should go to 480. However, with a 3D screen, the resolution would have to be upgraded to 1600 x 480 (800 for each eye). Cramming 1600 pixels in would

So, PS+ is an actual premium service where they offer optional extras for those people who want it, whereas Live is a necessary service where they charge you to use what you already paid for (multiplayer modes of games, netflix, etc).

I'm not too concerned about the sweet-spot for normal play, but I could see it being an issue with the stylus. If the screen needs to be at a certain angle and distance for the 3D it seems unlikely that it will be the most comfortable position for holding the stylus for a wide range of people.

@WolvenOne: If you are farsighted, then don't you have to wear corrective lenses for close-up viewing anyway?

@Adam: I'm referring to the dongles used with the regular Rock Band 2 instruments for the PS3, which are not required for the 360 versions.

Oh wow. GT5 is finally coming out...on my birthday.

I'm glad that she's safe.

I hope that the instruments for PS3 won't require those stupid dongles. They are a pain and they look terrible hanging down from the front. What's the point of making console-specific controllers if you aren't going to make them communicate directly with the consoles?