
@walls99: I have two awesome cats (one of them is my avatar). They usually just like to be close when I play, but they only get in the way very occasionally. They are 15 and 20 pounds (at ideal weight) so they're big guys; it's hard to ignore when they walk on you. I definitely talk to them all the time.

@Danza: I think it's a legal thing. If they ask and you lie, it's on you, but if they don't ask, then it's on them.

@battra92: I think you might need a PS3...It only does everything.

@Pheermee: Super Mario World and Zelda Wind Waker.

@Brad McCourt: Welcome. It would be great to see an article where you introduce yourself. Will you be doing any writing?

@deanbmmv: When did that change? I accidentally approved a commenter by responding to them. I wish it was a separate option. Now I at least make sure to check their commenting page to see all their comments before promoting.

@deanbmmv: Long-term threads can have their own disadvantages because it's hard to contribute to a discussion that's been going on that long. I like to actually add, not repeat, but that's nearly impossible if it takes hours just to read what's already been said.

@Reavyn29: If you're not that into playing handheld games, then cheaper is better. I would look for a good deal on a DS lite. Also, the GBA slot would be a nice feature to try out a few GBA games (Metroid Fusion and Zero Mission) if you've never played them before. If you liked the SNES era, it's definitely worth it.

@Reavyn29: Personally, if I want to play GBA games, I don't want to lug around a whole DS lite only to have them stick out awkwardly anyway, so that's not a factor for me. I recommend the GBA Micro.

@OW-Holmes cant carry guns: I didn't read it that way. I think a lot of people don't consider all the time it took build up their skill, and so when it comes to playing with those who are less experienced, they don't take the time to let someone actually learn.

I thought the "get your girlfriend into gaming" list actually wasn't all that bad (besides the annoying picture). If you're serious about wanting to introduce your hobby with someone, it can be just as much about teaching methods as the types of games you're playing. You'd be surprised at how many people really suck

@kenjara: True, which sometime helps and sometimes doesn't. I was just throwing that out there as what Golgari might have meant because otherwise it didn't make sense to me.

@dacresni נְחֶמְיָה: I had noticed that about the existing mac handhelds, which is why I was hoping this brand new device, which supposedly forms the "third pillar" and thus is supposed to be in a separate category, would handle things differently.

@chrollo0427: That sucks. Borderlands is the only game I've bought this month. My max level is only 12 though because I only play it when friends are over, and I play a different character with each person. It's slow going, but worth it.

@Ted Ogmundson: How do you officially categorize something that isn't bound by physical laws and is therefore infinite? New genres are created and existing genres are constantly evolving.

Outside of the obvious reasons why games shouldn't be in the Olympics, who would choose what game or games are the international standard? I believe Halo 3 is the most popular professionally competitive game in the states (correct?). Would South Koreans or Japanese people (or any other nationality) agree that this is

@kenjara: I did mean RAM. Over time, as you install more programs, plug-ins, etc, Windows likes to accumulate more and more automated processes in the RAM that continue to run whether the programs themselves are actually running or not. Eventually those little "background" processess add up and slow down the computer.

@AOClaus: I meant that I would be home playing games rather than wasting my time trying to look cool in a cafe with my laptop. I have a handful of indy games on it, but I know macs are not gaming machines. I've even considered building a PC for games, but then I would be essentially building myself a console, and at

@dacresni נְחֶמְיָה: Itunes was always a music syncing program. For that and other media, it works ok. Since ipods are still essentially media players, it made sense, but the ipad is supposed to be the "third pillar", not an ipod. I need a file management program, not just a media player.