
@Capp: I can't believe no one has mentioned Animal Crossing yet. My girlfriend got completely addicted to this and it's best in short bursts.

@SymphonicStorm: I think that Live has a really crappy reputation for those who are outside of the traditional "gamer" mold. Live is always mentioned in discussions about sexism, racism and homophobia. You always hear about annoying adolescents harassing everyone.

@Jakelshark: I don't like regenerating health, because I just end up hiding a lot and waiting for it to regenerate. I like potions and things that will be saved in an inventory rather than being used right away because I feel like it gives me the most flexibility.

@plasticmouse: Being off work is tough. Gaming can help, but on the other hand, doing nothing but gaming for days on end is a downer. I think LittleBigPlanet would be a great option because on top of playing, it allows you to be creative and make some levels, which I find rewarding. Fallout 3 GOTY has a ton of

@Weepee: I've based my argument on basic logic principles which you've dismissed as technicalities, and now you're saying that you're poking holes in my logic? That's laughable.

@RockyRan: I read the whole thing and still think it was too long. I love reading and I have no problem with attention span. The issue is that with this article, the points he made (many of which were interesting) could have been made as well or better with significantly less text.

@ngamesnick: It’s not that easy. Walmart doesn’t have so much power because their products are unique or because people can’t go elsewhere, it’s because they have an enormous customer base that shop there on a regular basis. Walmart does a fantastic job, perhaps the best of anyone, on tapping into the psychology of

@Weepee: That was a lot effort for what you knew was serving no purpose all along. Perhaps next time you can label your real arguments from your fake ones so "technicalities" like me can be alerted as to the official End of the Argument.

@lordofthefly001: I agree completely. I love that it communicates the ideas so well but it leaves room for the imagination. I also likes how the "pixels" were textured so that it almost looked like a tapestry as it zoomed out.

I'm looking forward to some solid chunks of solo gaming this weekend. With people visiting and going out of town, it's been a while since I've gotten some time to myself. I'll probably continue playing the Fallout 3 expansions and maybe some Demon's Souls.

@Jon: I went to this a month ago. I enjoyed parts, but I thought Tommy was a really crappy/annoying MC. I wanted it to be a show that was really about the music, but the host and slapped-together cutscene videos just made it feel like a spectacle.

@Weepee: Oops. And here I thought your later replies were arguing with me. My mistake.

@nerdrage32: If they'll bring this to the States, then Nintendo should localize Captain Rainbow. At least that game looked like it could actually be fun.

@Weepee: Clearly this is going nowhere. We seem to fundamentally disagree on just about everything.

@Weepee: Before I was anti-opinion and now I'm so opinionated as to be arrogant?

I'm not fan of Gamestop, but Walmart undercutting prices in never good news. Walmart can afford to do this because they are the dominant retailer in many, many industries. They undercut prices on high-selling items to get people in the door, and then they count on making up for it or at least buffering their losses

Will the pet show up in 1 vs 100, and if so, will it be visibly aggravated by the large crowds?

@Weepee: All from you:

@applesaucejx: oh yes, waggle to fill your angst meter