It's Annie(like the orphan)

Right? 2000 was my first election and the crushed feeling I had watching those results come in when I was 18 has gotten REAL familiar.

Spoken by a person who truly has no understanding of addiction.

Spoken by a person who truly has no understanding of addiction.

The mom has crazy eyes too! What's the over/under of that kid turning out normal?

I dunno. When I was in rehab a LOT of people went through divorces while still drinking because their spouse was sick of their shit. I think giving him the chance to be fully present for the matter is a favor. I’m sure she’d like to move on earlier rather than later, plus as someone else pointed out he’ll get MORE

They can! My sister’s roommate had a “house rabbit” which means he did not live/sleep in a crate and pooped in a litter box. He roamed freely.

That was my first thought. I know they aren't including factory workers, but still! That's a pretty bare bones crew. I guess they make do because they just rip off the designs of other companies.

I 100% know that I am the right combo of trusting and damaged for cult life and it freaks me out.

Ugh, please not Kim Guilfoyle. Her plastic surgery makes my face hurt.

Oh, also I LOVE that his fam disapproves of her being “uneducated” but is totes cool with Ivanka’s family’s anti-science rhetoric.

This actually makes me feel better for her. I feel like having his parents approval (like Ivanka) would mean she’s a garbage person. Perhaps she is marrying the one good Kushner? Going against his parents to marry who he wants means he is at least a little better than Jared, right?

Not nerdy, I did not know that and found it interesting! Thanks for being servicey!

Is it wrong that I’m judging Zoe Saldana for not knowing that the correct term is “speaking out of turn”?

Um, what is wrong with Tomi Lahren’s face? I know her hair color is a disaster because she has no friends to help a girl out. But her right cheek is way more inflated than her left one.

Yes, lashing out at people who try to expand your mind is always a good look. It's not our fault you're an uniformed moron. 

Um, try Googling Joseph McCarthy. Were you home schooled or something?

Lol, can you imagine Melania having friends? She has hair/makeup/wardrobe and handlers. No way she has actual friends (which is sad but also fuck her).

Melania, stop smashing your tits down like that!

Right before I went to rehab I lost about 40% of my hair. A very kind hairdresser recommended Rene Furterer RF 80 for thinning hair.

It’s like a bunch of cokehead 13 year olds tried to replicate early-aughts MTV Cribs.