It's Annie(like the orphan)

Looks like her “kidney treatment” isn't settling as planned.

As one commenter mentions below, it takes attention away from the actual heroes doing work on the ground.

Sounds like you’re talking about a place that does service in “seatings”. Some nice places work this way but the vast majority do not.

I’m not usually a huge grammar nazi, but for christ’s sake “wedded” is an adjective, “wed” is the verb...

Seriously. He’s always been hot but since he grew that beard...damn.

Who has the means to raise 14 people?

I kinda feel like a teenage girlfriend is EXACTLY what Scott Disick karmically deserves. Have you spent time with a teenage girl recently? They’re exhausting.

Guess you’ve never been to the desert (you posted without properly informing yourself, fucking shocker). It gets incredibly cold at night. Just because the temperatures rise in the day doesn’t mean it’s balmy at night.

I hate to say it because Becca seems nice, but I think it’s entirely possible that racism and xenophobia aren’t a deal breaker for her.

I feel like someone at Bravo has confused the ‘60s with the ‘50s. Wasn’t that considered the golden age of traditional family values?

Dear god, that pic is the stuff of nightmares. What the hell is his tanning routine? Poorly applied self tanner, fake and baking with his eyes squeezed shut? How did he even achieve those pinky white creases around his eyes?

Lady, you made this a thing, not me, not the other commenters.

I actually think this could be a good learning experience for you because I suspect that the reason you got the pile on treatment is not your original statements but the way you used your apologies to turn it around on the people who were offended.

No, you didn’t really apologize. I’m pretty sure you got the pile on treatment because both “apologies” were for “ touching a nerve” which is just another way of making it someone else’s problem for being too sensitive.

Ah, “sorry, I touched a nerve.” Cool non apology.

As someone who has been in rehab:

Is this sarcasm? Because 29 is PLENTY old enough to know you shouldn’t be dumping armored vehicles from the sky. I would argue that even a youth with a serious lack of discretion knows that’s very wrong and dangerous.

LOL at Blake Shelton thinking he’s smart enough to be “cryptic.” Sit down you simple summer child.

Patrick is doing something I’ve seen other mediocre white dudes do. He’s trying on this deliberately offensive persona to see if he can spin it to make a buck. Mark my words but he is going to try to parlay this into a better radio gig where he is branded as “outspoken” or “unfiltered.”

His dad does this same thing. They seem to think straight up frowning is the only way to look strong/masculine and since they have tiny mouths it ends up looking super weird.