35 and while my partner and I agree that we’re undecided about kids in general, AND we’re old enough to deal with it one way or the other, the whole “unplanned” word applied to my own possible pregnancy still makes my skin chill.
35 and while my partner and I agree that we’re undecided about kids in general, AND we’re old enough to deal with it one way or the other, the whole “unplanned” word applied to my own possible pregnancy still makes my skin chill.
I think The Middle is on its last few episodes, so any resolution his character would have faced was already filmed prior to this. I think it finishes up at the end of this month, actually.
He’s got one of those faces that has The Look at certain angles. Then he moves and goes from “Whoa!” To “Nope!”. I have a couple celeb crushes like that, and if we ever hooked up, I’d probably have to get it from behind to avoid wilting.
Another lovely lady for Mister Bono to concern himself with.
You said it yourself. She’s 16. Brain still isn’t fully developed yet, and at that age the first guy that makes you feel like you’re actually worth something is the guy that really helps to mould/mold your world view.
She should have had her Pretty Woman moment!
Also, this employee went out of their way to be an asshole about it. The transaction cleared. You’re all done. The slips been signed, that’s that. You don’t get to have second thoughts and start playing junior detective.
I bet Lizzie is happy to not have to invite her to any family gatherings again after this. She probably didn’t want her to attend this one, but some protocol has to be followed. That is, until the decorum of the invitee is shown to be outside the boundaries of good taste and supposed breeding. So sorry, Baroness.
The best part is that anything, anything, she says and does around Meghan from here on in will be scrutinized and dissected on a global scale. This woman will become famous in the worst possible way, and she deserves every second of that while it’s thrown in her face.
My partner saw the entire SMEG lineup one day while we were at the mall, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen him laugh so hard in his life. I had to stop him from buying the toaster for our kitchen. We need a toaster, but not THAT badly.
My 80 year old Grandmother would too, and she’s not even Jewish. I’d just get heaps of Catholic disappointment for being too lazy to even google the ingredients and assemble them myself.
Then you’re going to have to stop at the pharmacy before you go and get yourself a bottle of Buckley’s Mixture. Pour a shot of that over top and try to not gag. Or scream. At least until you’re not in the shop anymore.
I heard tons of great reviews for Mane’N Tail conditioner, but I had the same issue you did. Putting it in was fine, rinsing felt like it was taking all the moisture out with it, plus more.
BIGBANG has been huge for YEARS outside of Korea, and while they haven’t achieved commercial success here yet, it IS somewhat nice to see A korean pop group actually being feted for being good.
I was about to point out that this was a bit navel-gazey on the American behalf.
It’s going to take robot feminism to fix all this. Robot. Feminism.
Fantastic! Looks like Step One of Project “Make America Great Britain Again” is complete.
Two years later and I am blown away by the fact that there is actually a place you can go to eat a bag of Dicks. O_O