
For me, the real turning point has been the women I know, who have faced similar abuse from their former (or current) partners, coming out in support of him. Honey, I was the shoulder you cried on when you told me he was hitting you, bullying you, attacking you publicly. But it’s okay for him, because it’s him? Please.

Last summer, we let the Amazon deliveryguy have some water AND use the washroom when he came into the office to drop off some Prime orders for the Management team. It’s really not hard Mr. Bezos.

I can’t believe how far down I had to go to find this. “I’m Famous, You Have Cancer! It’s The Same!” is not a show. Ever. 

From what I read briefly in The Guardian, someone said it was a completely different atmosphere with Meghan because “emails started coming in at 5am”.

-Trigger Warning For These Links-

I’m just at the point where if people turn out to be garbage, they’re gone. Music - deleted. Memories - tainted. I didn’t idolize this guy the way I’ve idolized previous bands with members that turned out to be rapists and rape apologists (BB and BSB, anyone?), but he’s just another on the pile of people who ain’t

Yes, but they were “winning”.

“Ai no Senshi” was my favourite of the Japanese songs for a very, very long time. That being said, seeing it in the context of the episode it was originally placed in makes it even more satisfying. Not that R was any less intense (“Here’s your daughter from the future, who believes you are an unstoppable force as your

What in the hot glue-and-tacky-gold-festoonery is this absolute batshit?

I have “rage stroke at loss of presidency” in the office pool. Even once the next 4 years are up (I’m no fool on that front), you honestly think he’s going to walk away? It’s going to take a crowbar or death to get him out of that building.

People should still be “billed” for these services in Canada, so that people can actually see what taxes cover. Sure, it would cost money to run off those invoices, but after you do it for the span of a year or so country wide, people will start getting the point.

That’s probably the endpoint.

.... Now you’ve got me afeared of owls. Thanks.

Here’s the funny thing. If she is dead, and has been dead for a very, very long time - then that means they’re running a long con on something they CLEARLY have the power to cover up.

(Literally a month later)

Given that SU talks a lot about relationships both within and outside of the LGBTQ+ spectrum, I wonder if the Pink Diamond/Rose Quartz character is meant to reflect that first love that we all have and idealize, but isn’t actually at all what we end up with because they’re just not right for us? Even though we

Agreed. Henry Golding as an actor is probably a decent guy. But they had ALL of asian cinematic choice at their literal fingertips and they still went with the guy who looks as inoffensibly Asian as they could get. That’s a kick in the pants to a LOT of other Asian male leads who would have been STELLAR, but now have

I don’t remember much from the original movie, except that the first sister died in a pretty graphic way. (She jumped out of her bedroom window and impaled herself on the wrought-iron fence, it was implied it was due to being depressed and isolated from her peers by her parents.) After that happens, the second oldest

Technically, you weren’t wrong.

If your first instinct, when faced with strain while cradling your emotional support hamster, is to drown the poor thing in a toilet then maybe you don’t need emotional support. You might need actual psychological help and a prescription to help sort out the irrational/rational thoughts.