
I am shocked at the number of women I know who are adamantly pro-Depp on this. I kept seeing one meme on Facebook that was like “Johnny was there for us, now we need to be there for him!” Ma’am, Johnny was never there for you, and if “being there for him” requires calling his ex a whore, maybe think about that for a

The thing about liberals and some leftists being thirsty as f**k to prove how clever and above it all they are by claiming that they “both seem to be terrible people” (as many in this sites comment section have done) is that it’s..... based on what? Besides trying their hardest to maintain the illusion of

Not sure why Olivia Munn has been made the face of two articles about this on Jezebel now. Mulaney is the grown man who ended his marriage and moved on rapidly. If it wasn’t Munn it would have been any other woman who caught his fancy. This framing and many of the comments here have been “other-womaning” Munn. FFS just

Exactly. For example, she may end up having a kid with her sleazy boyfriend, and maybe that won’t be the best decision, but that doesn’t mean she shouldn’t be in charge of her own reproductive health. 

Agreed. Britney posts really weird content on her Instagram that strongly suggests she has mental health issues that will most likely continue once she’s “free”. I get bad vibes from her boyfriend, and I think she will continue to live a stunted life once she’s free from her conservatorship. The point as I understand

The usual complaint about these AT side-stories is that they (rarely) have our pals Finn and Jake in them, and that’s who fans want to hang out with—understandable, given they’re the stars.

It’s a real shame, I was looking forward to the trial, but only for two weeks I wasn’t going to pay 30 bucks a month after that.

People on twitter are pointing out that even the pretty boring/benign premise of “falling in love with personality rather than looks” is totally bunk, too. It’s not even that prosthetics can’t “hide” peoples’ bodies so much as the women—specifically the women—are deliberately in tight and revealing enough clothing to

I don’t think this is what the CDC had in mind when mandating masks

Maybe Princess Michael of Kent, the one who wore the racist brooch in Meghan’s presence.

Being a better person than Jeff Bezos cannot be difficult.

You’ve got a bad attitude Meghan.”

Its just so racist and misogynistic the way they keep focusing on Meghan when there is a literal sex offender RIGHT. FUCKING. THERE.

Since when does the Palace care what the staff thinks? This is such a crock. Maybe we could get Meghan’s side of the story, wherein the staff member said something rude to her and she didn’t care for it?

Spot on. Prince Andrew’s alleged transgressions are a fair bit more serious than a vague report by an unnamed assistant about Meghan being rude to her that one time.

“It is wild that Chip Gaines’s existential crisis caused by the rigors of sudden fame is being compared, somehow, sort of, to a professional runner’s four battles with cancer, but perhaps their audience will find this inspirational.”

IDK about rape apologist, but Nick has been abusive (see Paris Hilton)

Who the hell in the backstreet boys is a rape apologist!? Also I am an Nsync fan (Lance primarily), but when Brian came out saying he was on Parler, and his cousin Kevin shaded him, I liked them for a hot minute. 

The hands that loved her didn’t pick up the phone to call the cops and report the murder either.