I said “on” not “to”. I’m still technically correct.
I said “on” not “to”. I’m still technically correct.
This is why I’d take the bus. This shit does not happen on public transit.
I wonder if it’s also another thing related to toxic masculinity? Can’t be gay, the other boys will make my life hell.
I mean, you might as well, eh?
“Not Gon’ Cry” has gotten me through some BAD relationships.
Hollywood: 2017
I watched both clips, but I don’t feel that this is Pikachu actually “speaking english” in the sense that he will now sit and chinwag with Ash and Co. about things like battle techniques, the quality of Pokeballs versus Great and Ultra, or why berries never seem to go bad, even though they grow on trees.
How are the tampons and toothbrush interference not considered sexual assault? Everything else is disgusting, but rubbing her actual vaginal secretions on this woman’s belongings has to be more serious because of the possibility of disease transmission.
You and I both know it was probably Kool-Aid “dye”.
My partner and I are about to celebrate two years together. We recently moved into our own place together, and thanks to work and other hobbies we have enough “alone time” to make our “together time” fulfilling. He also listens when I say “Hey, I think we need a ‘Date Night’” because he knows it means that I’m feeling…
Fucking WHAT
My ex, emphasis on that, told me once “If anyone called the cops to have my guns taken away, they’d have to take me out in a body bag first.”
The people who point out to the GOP via Twitter that Trump is a terrible person need to let go of the blind hope that the people who stood with him don’t also stand behind what he says. They’re part and parcel of why this bandy-legged fuck mop can say what he says on an international stage, and get away with it.
I worry about the cops skirting the definition of this being a hate crime. I think it’s safe to say that most people who are murdered are not mutilated in the way she was, and that really points to this being about her transition more than anything. It really, really sucks that the cops are already trying to curb the…
The hands that loved her didn’t pick up the phone to call the cops and report the murder either.
I feel like this was actually ON TV at one point under an actual name...
A friend of mine is a psychologist, and she’s said there has been some evidence that the best time to have children is in the late 20's for the mother because she is generally mentally and emotionally fit to bear children and deal with the possible post-partum aftermath. Now, this is not a blanket statement, and…
Fun Fact: Squeenix is actually the sound you make when all that food comes back to haunt you in a public washroom, roughly 20 minutes after consumption. :S
Well there’s your problem. You’re not supposed to get heartburn out your wazoo, just poop.