
This is one of my favourites of her. I still can’t believe they put her on the $20 looking like she just noticed some punk kids standing around on her lawn. Ah, Canada.

With a scotch in hand.

It’s all in the smirk.

So, once they’ve fought and won the good fight against abortion, are they going to start jailing women who miscarry or just rounding them up and executing them?

I’ve heard it can take other forms and cause car crashes and burn the skin right off your body O_O I’m not a scienmatist, but somebody gotta do something!! Won’t ANYONE think of the children???

I like the texture of suede, even faux suede, but I’m not going to be seen out in public in it. No way. My friend summed it up best this weekend when she spotted a suede skirt and said “I could use the couch cover to make one of those.”

There is nothing deadlier than DiHydrogen Monoxide though...

If previous Gawker articles are to be believed, his name is Tim.

So, he’s going through with the anime eye surgery then?


I had pizza for lunch, but it’s Friday and I could seriously go for another pizza.

Not me, man! It’s all gravy here! Don’t fry my ass over it!

That was cheesy.


It just means she’s going to refine the design on the Barbie Jeep so it’s more comfy and has better response for the underage drunk-driving crowd.

I love the way it smells! And I can actually wash my hands with it after cleaning the litterbox without having my hands turn into raw hamburger. A bit on the pricey side though, which is the only sad.

I can’t use Dawn myself, thanks to a sensitivity to SLS, but I find Method works really well. It’s got more naturally-derived surfactants in it, but when they list a chemical composition they also put in paretheses what it was derived from. Best part, no allergic reactions!

This only applies to Catholics though. The vast majority of placard waving, woman intimidating, doctor killing, 19 baby having Fundies don’t listen to this guy in the first place.


I’d heard years ago that it was imported from Japan because it was the only way they could produce a sex toy that didn’t actually look like human genitalia. And THAT Has more to do with Japan’s antiquated decency laws than anything else. :/