
I have to vent. There’s a man on the same floor of me in my office who is a big Trump donor and a potential new member of his administration. Giuliani was just 10 feet away from me waiting to meet with him. How the hell do I stay professional at work?! My instinct is to bum rush him on sight. We’re talking Kill Bill

President Obama is at his best with he’s interacting with children.

I used to live in an area of Pennsylvania that had a KKK branch. When I was in 4th grade a black boy in my class came in and told a story to our class during our history lesson. Apparently he had been out playing and walked across the empty field behind his house and ran into a KKK meeting- he ran home and told his

Oh I must have missed the part where Turmp declares his intention to grab her by her inner goddess

I am so fucking team Iron Man after this shit.

Being told to grow up by Courtney Love is a bit like being told you’re too racist by David Duke. It’s epic.

I feel like this gif was made for Ryan:

I need Bette to adopt me. Sure, I’m over 40. Sure, she hasn’t answered any of my letters or emails or tweets or texts or phone calls please help me I just realized I’m a stalker

Testament 2: Electric Boogaloo

I watch Gilmore Girls to soak up that mother-daughter relationship that I could never have. Pathetic? Maybe. But I love those girls.

We are taking my kid to a jousting match when we are in England this summer...I would fucking LOVE for her to see a badass woman up there!

Honestly this makes me wish my friends weren’t all Serious Feminists because I really want to make a group chat titled Bitches Of The Moment now

BREITBART EXCLUSIVE: Donald Trump Has Ascended to Heaven to Serve at the Right Hand of the Father

He also couldn’t have been too drunk if he was able to react to getting caught quickly enough to get up and run.

I know it’s completely dismissing your point (which is great in itself), but +1 for “turbofuck.”

I can’t get over his Dad’s “20 minutes” quote. Mostly because 20 minutes is a real long time to fuck a motionless body. Maybe he meant 20 seconds? Even if you are drunk, at some point you have to feel a little creeped out by your actions, right?

I’m still having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that Michael Cera is a rapist.

People aren’t hammering home enough that he fled on foot when caught. NO ONE reacts that way to “sex” getting interrupted; that’s only how one flees the scene of the crime.