
It’s like in Happy Gilmore: “What’s this about you breaking a rake and throwing it in the woods?” 

YES. Mrs. Renfro’s Habanero is the best. I live in CT and can’t find it everywhere, but I can find it, and when I do I buy a bunch of jars so I won’t run out.

Agreed, do not ask this of anyone, regardless of how close you are. Crazy prying and rude. You do not know what anyone has been dealing with in private- maybe they’ve been trying to conceive and have been unsuccessful, maybe they keep suffering miscarriages, you need to just STFU because this is none of your business

For breakfast- sauté a big batch of veggies on your day off (for me this looks like diced onions, bell peppers, mushrooms, and spinach). Freeze individual portions in small zip-loc bags and then on your work days you thaw a pack and mix it into a couple scrambled eggs with a little shredded cheese (cheddar, gruyere,

I think the millennials are too busy working 3 jobs trying to pay rent and student loans to even have time to go to a chicken joint. 

How about women in the automotive industry who get this treatment in real life? This stuff is not confined to keyboard warriors and trolls on the internet. I am a woman in automotive sales (Internet sales manager at a dealership). The following happen to me on a near-daily basis:

Yes, KBB is wildly unrealistic. In my opinion this is because they are not in the auto business; they neither sell nor purchase vehicles. Their business model is to suck up advertising revenue through page views. No one would visit their site if their values were low (or even realistic). Everyone goes to

Agreed. It doesn’t seem that he’s pissed about the star so much as pissed at the fact that he busts his ass to only source locally, including producing his own ingredients, and then some random a-hole can just announce to the world (falsely) that he’s using a cheese not made even within his country.

Seriously, this dude sounds like a completely insufferable asshole.

You guys take separate cars to go grocery shopping? How much food are you buying?!

This is the correct move, and I will park with the passenger side of the car so close to the cart corral that no one can walk between the two. This gives maximum space on the driver’s side between my car and whoever is parked next to me.

This shit is why I don’t have my STi anymore. 

Nice colors but that Concept 4 still looks like a naked mole rat.

This is true if it is a dealer promo (then yes, they are just rolling your remaining payments into the next lease one way or another).

That wheel design is absolutely gorgeous.

I saw this and thought, “What animal does this look like? What is that grotesque thing called?” And then it came to me.

Wow, I didn’t realize that if you share an opinion with a single other person on this planet it no longer counts as “your own opinion”. I bet I have no opinions at all then :(

I work at a dealership that sells vehicles in the $40-75k price range, and we do not have a single lender that offers 9 year financing terms. Is this common and just happens to not be a thing here (or at any of our other stores, ex. Audi, Maserati, Porsche, Cadillac, Alfa, etc ?) The longest term our banks offer is 84

Not a fan of this take, at least not for fine dining. I’ve never worked in a restaurant where food prep is being done after dinner service. What’s getting done after dinner service is cleaning. At the restaurants I’ve worked in, once the final reservation is fired, cleaning begins, which includes sealing up and