Oh my yes. That’s why I imagine Brad is dating Adam.
Oh my yes. That’s why I imagine Brad is dating Adam.
I find Adam Driver so attractive.
Yeah, but Kathy Griffin’s call outs on that subject should be taken with a mountain of salt. She called out Don Cheadle of all people for not supporting her after the Trump head photo, and their only connection —according to Cheadle at least— is having chatted about politics on an airplane once. She seems to think…
I don’t understand this trend of people calling actors or even characters they like “my son”. Just refer to your cat as your son, like a normal person.
I think Kathy Griffin called him out, too — he wasn’t supportive when she was being shit on for the Trump head photo, so she said he’s two-faced, catty, and he offered her cocaine before a taping of his show.
I am here for this nuanced breakdown of Nazi Germany political history.
That’s what a predestination paradox is. You can’t go back in time to prevent an event from happening because then you won’t have any reason to go back in time in the first place, thus you won’t be there to prevent it.
I did the same thing with Randy Travis and his first wife for a long time.
How do you stab someone by accident 25 times?
Im wary af about blind items though it wouldnt surprise me if he did just because of the sheer amount of opportunity. I do doubt it was with Lawrence, if it happened at all.
I had forgotten about her drinking. And he kind of famously cheated on her, if The Blinds are to be believed!
This particular type of Christian is all about the fucking displays. Source: I am friends with several of the recently converted on social media and they never, ever STFU about Jesus
He’s a Christian Republican. The two biggest red flags in existence.
It’s like they’ve followed the lead of another certain celebrity-riddled ‘church’ based in Florida, no? Something is off with Hillsong if you ask me.
here we go. that only makes perfect sense. i went on two dates with a douche out here who goes...and he’s not religious AT ALL. but he does love to collect the ladies, which is why i caught on and never saw him past date 2.
There are a bunch of blind items about them supplying Pratt and Bieber with an endless supply of young, very young women.
Hillsong sounds like the kind of place that will get investigated soon.
Okay, this always confused me back when I was still identifying as an Evangelical Christian: lots and lots of Christians apparently have no problem with premarital sex when it comes to a second marriage. Someone I knew when I was at an Evangelical college was getting remarried to someone else who was divorced (their…