Whatever, BRYAN.
Whatever, BRYAN.
Nicole. Reese would come out all scrappy and solid, but Nicole would hang back and just let Reese tire herself out before she just walloped her. Nicole is all about the long game, and she knows she can win.
When I was in college, a bunch of us pooled money to buy a large quantity and then bake it. I ate half my brownie, waited 45 minutes, then ate the other half. Classic rookie mistake.
Yeah she wants that sweet sweet rape money! Police Always believe women. It’s not like there’s been case after case of men not being charged or sentenced to a slap on the wrist and the town punishing the victim or anything. Just lots of sweet sweet rape money.
You absolutely can’t relate and don’t understand.
I’ll end by saying that in MOST cases, i side with the victim. It just seems to me that in this one case, she’s looking to get paid. She very well may be telling the truth; and I wouldn’t put it past Fox, given their recent track record, to sweep this under the rug and hope it goes away.
The administration is definitely going to be increasingly taken over by morally compromised hacks. There is no legitimate path to glory, no real chance of doing good, only the certainty of personal humiliation while being forced to make terrible ethical compromises.
the general illusion that our general populace was much better educated
He said both that he didn’t think he could continue to do his job while that particular (Malevolent Mal) Administration was in power, and he also said he thought he could be more effective working outside the Government Ethics Office, for the time being.
Leave it for the First Amendment Whiners to be the ones that actually violate it.
I hate the smell of most women’s deodorants, so I started buying men’s deodorant a few years ago. After one purchase, my boyfriend kept smelling me and looking at me oddly, and eventually asked what deodorant I was wearing. I had bought the same kind that his dad has worn for decades, and he politely insisted that I…
Baby powder. I.e. that geriatric stink that can stun an ox at 12 parts per billion. (Second only to rose perfume, which can kill at 1 ppb.)
Oh Sharon, why? Why Sharon!?!
Andys got the scruff of a serious journalist! Evacuating Ho Chi Minh City? No, interviewing Lu in the Hamptons.
But what does a family even do with that much space? If that were my place I would have whole wings I never went into. I’d put my phone down somewhere and it would take me weeks to find it again. My kids would probably accidentally murder each other while playing and I wouldn’t even realize it for hours. And imagine…
The Paris Hilton type is exactly who I think of when people tell me they go to Burning Man. And old crusty creepy men.
I’m so tired of millionaire famous people and their dumb “beefs” with each other. I 💓 dirt bag and celebrity goss, but T Swizzle needs to fall back. Go enjoy the luxe life that wealth and fame afford you, and stop with the petty fake victimization that no one believes.