And doctors have a disturbing tendency to trivialize women’s symptoms. Not EVERYTHING is a UTI. Last year I was having pretty much every symptom on that list and knew something wasn’t right. I didn’t have insurance so that was a fun thought. I went to a local doctor and explained my symptoms, my family history of…
Whatever Melania is supposed to pay.
It’s a flat tax. 6 minutes of sex that can best be described as ‘uncomfortable’ with a dude who looks like a well-dressed suburban Ohio middle school vice principal, every Saturday at 8:30 pm on the dot. But you can write off the 4 martinis required to get you pleasantly fuzzy prior to the act, so there’s that.
She has to fuck Steve Mnuchin. She’s paying in her own way.
yes i’d really like a clearer explanation of this
was it a star-trek-style transporter accident or
The letter is an acrostic which spells out “RESIST”
Thank You...
Must have been hard for them. Was gay marriage even legal when they did this?
My guess is that he’s trash in bed.
Hannah, Parmageddon is way better than Cheddarmegeddon. It’s important to me that you know that.
Nah, they’ll call her fat, plus she had her naked photos stolen, so she’s a slut. AFAIK, Taylor Swift *was* the Official Aryan Darling, but I’m guessing the lawsuit put her into “feminazi legbeard” category. I’m sure her heart is absolutely broken.
This is a Klan rally? I thought it was a bake sale!
Haven’t we all found ourselves suddenly caught up in the middle of a bunch of Nazis shouting bullshit until we’re red in the face, only to later ask ourselves, Wow! That was weird! Sooooo not like me at all. How’d that happen?
“Welcome to the Department of Justice!”
My child suffers from severe depression and has been cutting/suicde trys. It’s not as easy as people think. Getting her to take care of herself is a daily struggle. Every little thing she does in regards to bathing , hair combing is a win when she actually does it.
I think its important emphasize that you can’t make a teenager do much, in a physical sense. Sure, you can attempt to leverage behavior out of them but you can’t force their hands in a literal sense the way you might a smaller child or toddler.
She obviously thought no one would notice.