
They don’t need to, which makes this whole thing they’re doing even classier.

These ladies are class acts. And I think it is so bad ass how they subtlety and productively proved everyone wrong. (Including myself)

See? THAT is how you respond to an Internet shaming.

The thing that drives me batshit crazy about this whole thing is that Apostolic Christians don’t believe that Catholics are real Christians! Why is she so excited to meet the head of the Catholic Church if she believes Catholics are going to hell?! (Answer: Because she’s an attention whore.)

I am a true Christian because I took a meeting with the Pope.”

WELL. Then. I guess, in the end, LUCKY wasn’t so........

I can’t wait for the advice you give women on how not to get raped.

And here I was waiting for 2016 to be all about yeast infections and recriminations.

My big red list no-no’s - flour, sugar, dairy, and red meat

I almost got into an all out brawl with my ignorant sister-in-law about this. We were out for dinner and a gay male couple were kissing at a nearby table. She starts stage whispering “I’m not homophobic but there are KIDS here”. To which I replied “You are the definition of homophobia”. A great battle ensued, the

Not directed at you, you just brought up a great point. I wish we could stop with this “marriage isn’t taken lightly”. It is. We have countless celebrities marrying for publicity and non-celebs marrying because they got drunk in Vegas, needed someone to split the rent and so forth.

Thank god someone in this country is will to ask the question “but how do white people feel right now?”

Yes, Bristol, you’re absolutely right. The police who dragged a 14-year-old out of school in handcuffs for building a science project and subjected him to hours of racist interrogation without allowing him access to a lawyer or his parents are the real victims here. The police and white people everywhere. Can’t put

My favorite are the ones written by fucking morons. Like folks who go to a Spanish Tapas bar and complain they didn’t serve chips and salsa.

This case was messed up. I remember that there were some people who blamed the mom because she worked outside the home.

“that is not borne out by the will of the people.... say it’s the law of the land because the court decided.... ‘You now have surrendered to judicial tyranny.’”

I just watched about 30 seconds of the video and not only is she terribly unfunny, she’s also manic and annoying as hell.

I wasn’t criticizing this article, not one bit. I wasn’t criticizing anything or anyone, I was voicing my opinion in the form of a general appeal for compassion over snark.

Men are very unlikely to report when a female rapes them, because of the bullshit gender norms placed on women being the weaker sex. In addition, it is easy to publically mock them for being raped by women. I’m not talking jokes, I’m talking actual people. Like when Shia LeBeauf said he was raped at an art show and

The platforms that wish for change with male issues will always have my full support, and total empathy. Equality, for a huge number of us, isn’t a euphemism for reduced freedoms for guys. The snark comes out, and should come out, when the platform is based on issues that revolve around a superficial aspect instead of