Holy shit - this is just a straight forward informative post explaining the answer to an interesting question. Well done.
Holy shit - this is just a straight forward informative post explaining the answer to an interesting question. Well done.
“We only ship within the city but not the north part because we don’t really go up there that often so we don’t know our way around like seriously one time I went up there on my bike and I got so lost, it took me like two hours to find a street I recognized.”
1 loaf of whole grain bread with the most amount of grains?
Oh, he wants Trump Bread. The classiest, grainiest bread on the market. No Mexican buyers, please.
I didn’t like that 20/20 interviewed Holtzclaw’s family and girlfriend, either. I get wanting to get “both sides of the story” but the reporter barely asked them any tough questions. But I guess the girlfriend making a fool of herself by saying Hotlzclaw wouldn’t rape *those* women when there were plenty of…
Why not both?
“Right, I’d have no problem with that article in a magazine that’s for middle school aged kids.”
About a million dollars?
Insensitivity is never cute.
It’s simple, really.
1/2 situations in which Men use the toilet require the seat to be down (unless you shit standing up, which...is just impressive)
2/2 situations in which Women use the toilet require the seat to be down.
Therefore 3/4 times the toilet seat needs to be down.
edit: holy fuck people I’m not saying Men…
Just remember to put the seat back down after y’all are done today, k?
The people and groups I named are active and prominent. The “Rape is Rape” campaign for example was in 2011, and the Feminist Majority Foundation is literally www.feminist.org. As in, they are literally the feminist majority. Incidentally, rape counseling, gender violence, political leadership, plus the fight against…
From one abuse survivor to another, I’m truly sorry that you’ve had these experiences. Please try to set them aside for a moment and consider a few things:
feminists don’t hate men, they just hate you
One huge difference is that, that was factual. He had done what he was accused of doing, attempted to make his opinion the law, and all of that stood in direct contrast to the company values Mozilla espoused..
EXACTLY my reaction. She hit it spot on.
“It’s not that I would never talk about it, but it’s that nobody cares about what I have to say about that. It’s not going to sway anybody in any direction, and if so, they’re probably young kids that should do their own research about who they want to vote for.”
I didn’t fucking say that. I would think a guy was being an aggressive DICK if he did the same thing.
At least he is talking to an unbiased source about the matter.
They’re idiots. He wanted it kept quiet and his teammates are putting it bigger blast with their tee shirts and “support”.
The team has the right to “support” their ex-teammate. The women have a right to say that they are supporting a rapist. They also have a right to say they are being silenced if the team is tearing down their flyers.