
I read it slightly differently, that the publicist was covering for Khloe not immediately knowing what Super Tuesday was and so dove on the possible publicity grenade by acting like “so many people don’t know what that is! This isn’t strange or remarkable at all!”

Yes! And the fact that no where in his response did he ever deny any of the actions for which he's being sued.

I have lip balms stashed everywhere around my house, just so I can always have one near. Fresh Sugar lip treatment is amazing and I wear it under lip color every day. When I have dryness or cracked lips, there’s nothing like Dr. Lipp or Qtica - which are both super thick and immediately make my lips feel like they’re

Any advanced education is suspect. Educated = liberal.

Yes! While thankfully physical violence isn’t an issue, even gently correcting the raging assholes that are my (step) extended family would cause world war three in my family (think alcoholic step mother throwing day-long temper tantrums and making life a living hell for everyone). Once a year we all go out to dinner

Justifiable homicide, the “bitch had it coming” defense.

An interesting case study is how the commerce clause impacted the original Violence Against Women Act, which was struck down because it was determined that the legislation didn’t impact interstate commerce.

I noticed that you’re Canadian only after I posted! Just a small quirk of US law.

Most federal laws exempt small businesses, as paid parental leave obviously would. This is for many reasons: political, economic, etc., but a major reason is to avoid a constitutional challenge, since Congress constitutionally can only make laws effecting interstate commerce. Exempting small businesses avoids a

$50 says that immigrants to this country better understand the rights conferred to US citizens than people who grew up here. Freedom of Speech is the most egregiously abused. Guess they were sick that day in high school.

Goodness gracious! If my friends and I had to bring hostess gifts every time we visited each other’s homes, we would all be poor and living in houses filled with unnecessary crap.

I was trying to figure out how the children were sent to juvenile detention - was there any indication that she claimed that she sent them there for their own safety (I.e., “protecting” them from their mother and her influence)?

Now I just want to see a picture of your gorgeous hair!!

And I’m sure that she backed down and didn’t get a raise. Sadly, companies know they can pull this with women - for so many reasons backed up by studies: we don’t want to rock the boat, we take threats seriously (as opposed to men who view them as a jumping off point), our public image will be tarred by a compensation

Maybe. But that’s assuming that they don’t offer competitive compensation packages. If they do, then all they’re doing is making certain that some people aren’t underpaid so that others can be overpaid.

Parents should stop being dramatic, overreactive assholes. Making your profiles private is actually possible, though, so maybe we should just stick with that.

Having stick-straight, slightly frizzy hair myself, I am but a repeater of stories told to me by my curly-haired friends, but, as I understand it, they are no less than geniuses. A friend’s mom will now only get her hair cut when she comes in town for a visit, as there is no Ouidad where she lives.

I know people that travel long distances just to keep going to stylists who can cut curly hair. Ouidad makes a fortune off of this. If you ever find someone who knows how to cut your hair correctly, never let them go!

Happy Birthday!