
And Montana is one of the better states! With no tipped wage and you can only be fired for cause after six months, Montana is surprisingly labour friendly. Also the overtime thing is/was super illegal. Montana statute treats overtime on a weekly basis, not a pay period basis like a lot of employers want to claim. Not

And I think we all know that, deep down

This is the correct take

If you are getting sick, drink gin. If you are already sick, drink whisky.

I’m in the minority in that I can’t stand Hendricks. Found the novelty of it wore out in about two drinks. Cucumber is like a super subtle flavor! How do they make GIN of all things taste so overwhelmingly like cucumber?

Finally, one of them got it right and for the correct reason!

Reposting this from the Ripa thread a few days back, because it matches what Olmos is saying.

My definition is tautological but it makes answering this question pretty easy. A sandwich is something that an average person would consider a sandwich*. That is, if you were to say “I am bringing sandwiches” the average person would not be confused by what you brought. A hot dog is not a sandwich because when you

Yes, I will often get a flight if they are available.

I have found, strangely enough, that this has led to me being far less experimental with my beer orders. I would get a taster of Beer A and think that it was good but not as good as Beer B, which I have had before and then just order Beer B.

I mean, I have purchased and eaten these before.

He wasn’t asked to leave for eating too much, he was asked not to return. If they told him to stop eating then the restaurant would be in the wrong because they advertised it as “All you can eat”. There is nothing wrong with a restaurant banning a disruptive customer or one that is losing them money from returning. I

Check out Crime World, written by Leverage showrunner John Rogers. The best resource I have ever read for planning and running heists. It was written for fate core but honestly the rules are pretty system agnostic. You can find it in the Fate Worlds: Worlds in Shadow book.

Diagonal cut if you are eating the sandwich with soup. Straight across if you are eating it without soup.

Well they can but they didn’t. It was an “unwritten” rule. Now they need to negotiate with the Union to make changes to the employee contract if it is something that they want to enforce. The union’s job is to protect the employees and random changes to the employment agreement falls under that umbrella

I’ve been waiting for this article, Rye is my drink of choice. Hopefully some of these will be available here in Montana.

“ I actually don’t buy into the idea that well-done steak is holy sacrilege. Fajitas, brisket, beef stir-fry, stroganoff, carne asada: If you enjoy any of the above, you’ve enjoyed well-done steak.”

Agreed, but I am the person prefers sirloin to ribeye.

Just plug your whatever device into the input being used...

This sucks, the polish dog was my favorite. On the other hand I tried the new acai/vanilla swirl and it was much better than the chocolate so all told its a wash. There really wasn’t much distance between the polish dog and the hot dog anyways.