
I’ve always thought the bar is a great compromise. You give up some comfort and space in order to not wait 30 minutes for a table. As long as that is the case I am good with bar seating or open seating. Miss me with this reserving a bar stool shit however.

While I love chili dogs I think they are their own separate category, at least the way I make them. For just a dog on a bun that you can eat with one hand the only thing it needs is ketchup, though if cheese is available I will always put cheese on it. A good, spicy mustard or horseradish is not necessary but seldom

Yup. Take off your brown shirt if you don’t want to be treated like a Nazi.

My general rule for drinks (be it cocktails, coffee or whatever) is a dollar a drink or 20%, whichever is more. If you are a regular and don’t feel like tipping every time or feel that a buck is too much then just bring an extra five every couple of weeks to give them.

Im sorry that your dad never got the hang of it but as someone whose steaks tend to come out correctly I think the time method works just fine.

I’ve cooked enough steaks that I know when they are done based on time spent cooking. I wouldn’t try it in an unfamiliar kitchen but I am rarely off when cooking in my own place.

My guess is that he didn’t want to work but still get paid. Often in a situation like that the line gets shut down while the issue is figured out. The employees generally don’t get sent home because production might get going again soon.

Either add a mandatory gratuity for everybody or nobody. Anything else is indefensible.

Eat what you like how you like it. If the “artist” that made the food doesn’t like it then they can pay for my food.

I mean ultimately the decision is up to you. Personally I stopped drinking Bulleit after this came out but we all have different tolerances. The nice thing is that we are in the middle of a rye renaissance to go along with our small distillery renaissance so finding a comparable priced rye or bourbon is pretty

I’ve been a couple of times and it has always been an utter shit show, even though I always had a great time. While a part of me is sad that others won’t experience the sheer wtfuckery of the testy festy it is probably a good thing it is gone. It always leaned a little too heavy on the skeevy side.

Take your damn star

Basically the Bar lobby is all powerful in Montana and they hate that breweries can even serve at all. Every couple of years there is a big fight over it. Liquor licenses cost an insane amount of money (around a million here is missoula last I checked) and so the compromise is that breweries can only run a “Tasting”

The JoJos at the town pump up at the wye are some of the best in Missoula, if you haven’t tried them. Have to get them fresh.

#jamfirst for life

Yeah, because fast food restaurants have such a good reputation for throwing out food that is a bit iffy...

Strangely enough meat still goes bad in a refrigerator much faster than a freezer, crazy

Honestly I have never really understood the appeal of Wendy never frozen push and I am disappointed that McDonalds is looking to go down the same path. You know what happens to no frozen beef, even refrigerated? It goes bad and a fast food restaurant doesn’t strike me as the type that would throw out spoilt meat.