
I actually got to level 6 without farming , just mainly through engrams rewarded through strikes/PvP or found as random drops. Wasn't too hard honestly. As for time, I don't remember. I'd say just keep playing the game without focusing too much on the level and you'll increase the rank in no time.

I really loved the whole «Noctis alone in the throne waiting» thing. But the Bro-fest is... weird. Also, can't stop thinking about Britney Spears' movie «Crossroads» : P

The game has been out for 9 days. The complaining is insane. I DON'T HAVE LEGENDARIES YET AND IT'S BEEN 9 DAYS OF ME PLAYING TOO MUCH BECAUSE I HAVE NO REAL RESPONSIBLITIES. Boycott Bungie!!!!

He's not actually implying that in the actual article... In the paragraph above that, he's talking about the guy who is suspected to be the masked British guy in the beheading videos. And that guy was an emcee before he went overseas.

I hope someone mods it into a good game.

The problem with this system is that it's a double blind.

Ironic name for a device that, combined with this game, would preclude the option of actual sleep altogether!

"Nightmare fuel"?

No no. Clearly this article only came about because one or more of the parties involved was sleeping with one or more of the OTHER parties involved!

Dear god, shut the fuck up. If you're going to claim there's some media conspiracy to publicize threats against Sarkeesian, have the courage to come out and say so, so that the rest of us sane people can ignore you.

Yes, let's just assume she sent bomb threats to herself, despite having zero evidence to that effect. That seems reasonable.

That's the second comment I've seen from you using "retarded" as a pejorative term. Many people find that offensive and its use can hurt those with mental disabilities or their family members. I'm sorry, I'm not trying to pick on you or anything, but a lot of people would really appreciate it if you inserted a

to skeptics, hardcore detractors and conspiracy theorists no matter the timing of anything they will always find fault in this. This topic is hot right now, of course reporters will be curious and investigate right now. Not a year or five years later.

If she doesn't like the criticism then maybe she shouldn't have taken the step to be in the public light.

Oh my god.

Probably because of that huge tirade in the middle of her video that was just a massive ad hominem attack on the opposing side.

Day after day, gamers prove her point. These people are no more tolerant than the ISIS when it comes to different ideas. It's fricken embarrassing.

Conservative feminists is an euphemism for "anti feminist woman" since their only stance boggles down to "feminism movement isn't needed. Everything is ok and equal."

I explained in the article what spurred it. Did you miss that or not believe it? There were allegations last week that Sarkeesian lied about informing the police about harassment. A critic of hers had a person from the SFPD on audio saying they hadn't heard from Sarkeesian. That was certainly a story I felt we should

(Meanwhile, at the evil fortress of Game-Hating Feminism)

Totilo: I did just as you commanded, my mistress! I posted the story about the bomb threat on the same day a conservative feminist critic said something else about video games!

Anita: Excellent! With Kotaku under my evil feministy grasp of evil! I can continue