
You’re definitely right in terms of win/loss being the most important factor, but I wonder if it comes down to semantics. “Skill Rating” isn’t really an accurate term for what the number is measuring. If it were, then your skill rating could go up even when your team loses, provided you had an amazing game. Even just

Thank you. I was waiting for someone to bring that up.

If Bernie actually ran as an independent in this election, he would have been mercilessly raked over the coals for drawing support from Hillary and threatening the Democrats’ chances of keeping the White House. Running within the party was a pragmatic choice for him, obviously, but let’s not pretend that the

“Mr. Sanders received a standing ovation when he dropped in at the Senate Democrats’ weekly lunch to speak about his campaign and pose for an official Senate photo with his colleagues. He has not been in the Capitol much of late; according to his website, he has not cast a vote since Jan. 12.

This exchange was absolutely glorious. Thank you.

I could see that being fun, actually. I’m in the same boat as far as transportation goes—look ma, no car!—and you’re right, nothing will top the Pope. I was right in the thick of that. I wouldn’t say going for a run down deserted city streets with National Guardsmen at every posted was fun, but it was definitely an

Good point. No doubt she’ll be an enthusiastic Hillary voter after 4 months of Trump/Cruz blathering once we’re past the conventions.

Of course you will, because you’re not insane. I’m the same. He’s got my vote in the primary, but I fully expect her to win the nomination and she’ll be my candidate from there on out.

And sometimes actual links to Breitbart! And vague allusions to “voter fraud.” They’re an embarrassment, and I’m a Bernie supporter. Come on, guys, get your shit together.

“The overall understanding?” Is that the Kinja equivalent of “Some say that...”?

I have gotten so used to the names of the Gawker sock puppet accounts that I glossed right over this one. THE SHAME.

Way ahead of you there!

My point is “support your candidate, don’t denigrate the other” also means, for me, don’t shit on people who support “the other” candidate. Making sweeping generalizations based on your Facebook feed isn’t helpful. I have the exact opposite anecdotal experience, but I’m not up and down this thread talking about how

Two threads up, you’re making sweeping generalizations about how “Bernsters” are aggressive and off-putting. Maaaaaybe that’s not so much helping in this respect.

Everyone on either side of the Hillary/Bernie divide needs to have all the fucking seats and shut the hell up already. I might not survive until November.

Damn it. I should have known better.

What system are you on? Always happy to try to organize a group to being someone through the raids for the first time.

I'm in the same boat. More than that, though, Forever 290 was making me crazy given how wrong it was. Like, bitch, do you realize how many WEEKS I tried to get that VoG helmet? Come talk to me when you're still 290 in November. :p

I realize this is a dead thread by this point, but THANK YOU. I’ve started seeing people say things like “Forever 290” and I want to smack them upside the head. ONE WEEK, the game has been out. Calm your shit, everyone.