
Here’s the thing though. Jill Stein is selling herself as the principled candidate for people who want to vote their conscience.

Many Clinton supports know our vote is a pragmatic choice for the least bad option. And that’s fine.

If you’re already in a position to rationalize your vote for a person who thinks

John McCain. This is excellent news for John McCain. Mark Halperin trumps all you motherfuckers because he wrote a book.

Oh fuck off, this has nothing to do with “everyone deserves a medal”. This is about good matchmaking. How fucking stupid would it be for a good player to be forced to play with a bad player on his team? Why should the good player be dragged down to a guaranteed loss because of some misguided notion of “sink or swim”?

I get so salty when people kill me with Mei because I SUCKKKKKKKKK as Mei and my salt is really just extreme jealousy hidden behind a finely woven tapestry of anger.

I feel like the Tommen kill is more of an assist.

Actually, isn’t that Elizabeth Warren?

Funny thing about WoW. I knew tons of women in WoW. About a 50:50 split in my guild. About 50:50 split in my raid group made up of different guilds. I haven’t raided seriously since LK, but we cleared everything except Sunwell in BC and all of LK including heroics, and I was at one point top 15 for my class on the

LOL, I’ve been a gamer since Suspended on the Vic 20 in 1983, through to the Coleco, and Pong for Atari, and NES, to SNES, PC gaming, arcades and programming my own games in BASIC on cassette tapes, to C# for digital distribution.

I’m fucking sick of this platform exclusive bullshit. First Xbox gets mods before my superior PS4, and now they get discounts?! It’s not free on my Playstation Store! Bethesda you just lost a customer. I’m so darn mad!

If you’re only getting 1 or 2 ults per game then you are playing very, very wrong.

Good Golden Axe 2 cosplay. 10/10.

In all seriousness, I am a Sanders supporter, but will gladly vote for Clinton when she likely gets the nod. I’ve been attacked by my leftie friends on both sides for not being supportive enough.

I have started scrolling aggressively when I see things about the dems on any social media - and it’s my own damn party. I am so worn out already and it’s not even the general election yet. I’m going to turn to drink soon, I think.

JFC. Democrats are being handed this election to them on a silver fucking platter, and they want to set it on fire. Support your candidate, don’t denigrate the other, and whoever wins the nod, vote -D. It’s really not that fucking hard.

I said to myself, “in the comments on this meticulously researched article about how science says everyone’s diet and body is different, people are going to show up and aggressively claim their diet is the only way.” And lo, it came to pass.

No one is freaking out about anything in this story. Well, except you.

Same idea. It’s tasteless and you store it in the basement.

This is just a normal brag and it’s fine because it’s a pretty impressive score. I don’t think you understand what a “humblebrag” is.

So...they’re ultimately weakening Nightfalls? :/ Yeah, it sucked having to start over, but that was kind of the point. It was SUPPOSED to be fairly difficult, and require some amount of communication from any team mates. The ultimate challenge was the solo the thing.