
Learnin'/knowin' thangs is fer "hipsters," apparently. But conservative think tanks employing a concern troll to belittle educated members of her own sex with a meaningless term (which reached its expiration date years ago) that old, out-of-touch people hope kewl gamer youths will relate to = totally awesome!

You know, in the 90s I wanted to design computer games. I started programming in basic on my C64. I loved that shit growing up. Problem was, every school I talked to told me that the comp sci (there were no game design schools back then) was not for me. Not for any women, in fact. Women have been actively

She keeps rallying behind the "hardcore" point, saying that you're only a real gamer if you play 20+ hours per week, and that females hardly game that much so the industry is justified in being a male-oriented one. I'm a guy and I consider myself a "hardcore gamer". I have a huge game collection spanning decades, but

Except she specifically poses herself the question "are video games riddled with sexism?" And then immediately afterwards, to a video of female characters in video games wearing, well, not much at all, says "My answer is no." And her reasoning for why video games aren't sexist to her is because they aren't aimed at

Because her views are objectively conservative and is a regular contributor to conservative publications.

Well, now, gamers are dealing with a new army of critics: gender activists and, I don't know, hipsters with a degree in cultural studies. And these critics are concerned that gaming is largely a hetero-patriarchal capitalist pursuit. Why ... they ask, isn't it more inclusive? Why must there always be male heroes? Why

You know what? The casual/hardcore gamer distinction is horseshit.

I posted my take on this video on my Kinja blog late last night (and it was shared to TAY this morning, thanks MementoMori!). If you want a much more detailed break down (take down?) of the video, I posted it there. Sorry for the self-plug, but I expended enough energy there that I don't want to just repeat myself

"hardcore gaming is mostly a guy thing" Something being a 'guy thing' doesn't justify it being a sexist, racist, douchebagy, asshattery, kind of thing.

"If you love games they don't care about your age, race, etc." That's just flat not true. Anyone who has faced online harassment can back that up.

"Feminists are hypocrites because they have never criticized fashion magazines ever" - A Dumb Person

"Many of them want more than more women on both sides of the video screen—they want the male video game culture to die."

Oh shit, after this morning on TAY, I was hoping this wouldn't get posted on Kotaku.

This is exactly the kind of bi-erasure that makes women afraid to talk about their sexuality.

this is why i only ever hook up with the girls from tinder because one time i hooked up w/ this guy


You're a cancer on this industry and nobody would be sad to see you stop participating in it.

Okay peniswrinkle, I don't think that's happening.

I don't usually respond to trolls or greys unless they have something to say but you actually managed to piss me off. When you have an actual life, like a crazy full-time job in the career and industry you've chosen and studied for, a family including a wife and two

Ah, free market capitalism. When will people learn?