
105 F, not 105 C. 105F isn’t gonna kill you, but it might give you mild burns. Hell, the air outside my office right now is almost 105 right now. I don’t want to be outside in it, but it certainly wouldn’t kill me to be out there for a bit.

I don’t think the point of the feature is to highlight the best bands of any country.

Soup’s on!

Is the scene humiliating for Helen? For Jamie Lee Curtis?”

I saw True Lies late—whenever it originally came out on home video—and was pretty startled by how the movie treats Curtis’s character, compared to the fun reputation the movie had. The strip scene may scan as empowering and funny to some, but she’s manipulated into it by her own husband, and not just to “give her

Over and over again, the GOP is allowed to continually lower the bar for what would be considered reasonable behavior for someone elected to higher office. That we as a nation are seemingly about to re-elect an adjudicated rapist, convicted felon, habitual liar and incompetent businessman whose violent rhetoric and

I mean, she’s a high school dropout, teen mom, and frequent arrestee who has made her ignorance a point of personal pride because it’s brought her fame. There is no such thing as shame or responsibility with her or those like her.

Sorry to hear about this, she was fantastic in Heathers, and being a Kevin Smith fan, I enjoyed her in Mallrats too. I was stationed overseas in the early 90's, and Beverly Hills 90210 was one of the shows the Armed Forces Network showed, I got hooked and kept watching even when I was discharged

I also hear she planned the entire operation and killed every one of those people herself.  

Say what you will about how diet and fitness have evolved over time, but Richard Simmons was the rare gem that actually gave a crap about actually helping folks get healthy and happy. Sweatin to the Oldies and all his videos/ specials were filled with real people who were there to get active in whatever way they could

Dr. Ruth and Richard Simmons on the same day.  Farewell, legends.  The 80s really are over. 

I miss people like Westheimer and Sagan being sensible on a show like Tonight. Very useful. in popularizing science. Fallon just doesn’t quite manage it somehow.

They want their money back, money back, money back, money back, money back, money back, money back, money back.

Testimony  about how she felt about his “Schwetty Balls” would’ve been the cherry on top.

The thing is, most people probably don’t even do a cursory check on their condoms before using them, and checking them in a more than cursory manner might actually lower their effectiveness. Condoms have a 98% quoted efficacy rate, and I’d wager less than 10% of users do anything more than check the expiration date,

After seeing this photo of Rudolph, it’s nice to know that she (like me) doesn’t know what to do with the gift bags you get from Amazon.

Are we sure the Beastie Boys aren’t vexatious litigants? I hear that they’ve got more suits than Jacoby and Meyers.

I love a Gen X band keeping the torch alive for getting PAID FOR THEIR DAMN MUSIC. 

Love that sketch.

That’s good news for those of us who only watch movies in semaphore.