
Less so in Hollywood, I think, since having recognizable names on your marquee is worth something, even if they’re not all that great at their job.  It might also be worth something to you to do a favor for Julia Roberts by hiring her niece.  

Gregory was found with his service dog, Hans, who also died, in his car in a Chase Bank parking lot in Peoria, AZ, on June 13.”

Well that’s the bleakest thing I’ve read this week....

Oh, that’s really sad. Bipolar disorder and insomnia are a real bitch. The article said he fell asleep in his car. It was 107 degrees that day. I wonder if he was just desperate to get to sleep and the heat did him in. I hope it wasn’t a suicide, sadly there is a high suicide rate for those that struggle with the

This seems like the sort of thing that should be sorted out in the courts instead of through public statements??

The “Made with Real Potato” is somehow less reassuring. 

There’s gotta be a German word for people whose hair looks like a wig but is not a wig.

What, just because he looks like Orville Redenbacher trying to sneak into a college party?

Why, is he thinking of changing his name to ElderlyLesbianLibrarianMan?

D’you think Elfman is taking his last name too literally?

His sister’s statement on his death gave a few more (likely) key details: “Rebecca tells us her brother suffered from depression, bipolar disorder and had a sleep disorder that often kept him awake for days.”

They could save some money by switching to Top Ramen for the soul. 

So, like Netflix, they probably have a decent cache of actual DVDs, some of which may even still be playable. What’s going to happen to those? I suppose they must have always had a way to repurpose them, unless they just have a giant warehouse of Green Lanterns and Life of Pi. Did they sell them to libraries or

This is in order to “give audiences a greater opportunity to discover the first installment of Horizon over the coming weeks, including on PVOD and MAX.”

That’s certainly a take.  Not, like, a good one, but it is one!

Hey now, he’s just a regular guy with regular problems, like lack of Dapper Dan!

I once parked at the end of a very gradually slopped culdesac and shut and locked the door. Started walking away when the car popped out of gear and started rolling. I instantly thought “I gotta stop it!” but just as quickly realized that wasn’t going to work. Just too much mass. Standing helpless as the car plowed

Eddie Murphy: “we’re doing a Donkey.”

Hamster wheel is 2, Keith Richards is 3, the other two sequels aren’t worth watching as the gradual case of diminishing returns eventually rendered them dull and outright bad by the end.

That’s not why it’s getting made. This is why:

Strek has become one of many long running series where I am not sure which ones I have seen and which ones I haven’t.