
Two things. One, Don Draper himself wouldn’t put up with this shit at work. Two, the current fascist, Catholic theocratic majority on the Supreme Court would be happy to.

If only Biden had the guts to exercise that ruling the same way we know Trump inevitably will.

The Court’s previous decision: “The president is above the law.”

Her point is hardly legible.”

Confession time: when I was 25 years-old, I briefly worked as a salesperson at a motorcycle dealership. One Saturday afternoon, the sales manager (probably about 30 years-old), asked if I wanted to go test out a customers Kawasaki Jet-Ski (yes, Jet-Ski) to see if the repairs had been successful. I thought, “Why not?”

Yeah she chose this out of many options and was like “this, this is the one.” And that is confusing to me. She’s wanting to make some sort of statement for sure, and I honestly I’m not even hating on the fact that it’s transparent because thin celebrities do the transparent thing all the time. But this particular

Two things: First, it would take a special kind of stupid to have in your hands a six year old car with 989 miles on it and not think that the owner wouldn’t notice that you put 20, 10 or even 2 miles on it.

Shit is so funny to me. What does she want to have happen here? What action should be taken and by whom? There’s no Grand High Cancellation Council that is refusing to hear his appeal.

Lena Dunham has talent as a writer, but some sort of negative talent when it comes to clothing. There are people who look bad in their clothing because they clearly don’t care enough to put more thought into what they wear than just grabbing some stuff that vaguely fits and then going with it. But Dunham very clearly

The dealership is ultimately responsible for the care of the customers car and should absolutely be required to pay a significant amount in damages.  This car can’t be replaced.

The fact that the service advisor felt that not only could he violate a customer’s clearly indicated terms for service on his car but also felt comfortable enough that he took another employee with him indicates a culture at this dealership that makes him liable.

It’s common law for employers to be held responsible for the negligent conduct of their employees while working. If they weren’t no business would ever be held liable for anything negligent that happens because only the specific employee would be. Based on your rationale, if the business isn’t negligent for the

Seriously, take me back to the halcyon days of the 80s and 90s, when television shows and movies were definitely not engineered solely to sell toys.

I don’t know about you, but I’m here for this Daniel Kaluuya Barney business, because wtf.  It sounds nuts.

I’m not very familiar with Polly Pocket or any potential movies about it, but I do have to say that of all the dresses available in the world that is of them.  :/

The victim wasn’t able to be airlifted to an emergency facility because temperatures were too high for helicopters to be operated.”

If the only thing preventing me from certain death is my car’s AC- I would just plain avoid going to this place.

I know that, as you say, Marvel’s stock is not at its highest point right now. But to be honest, the only MCU show they’ve put out that I outright disliked was Secret Invasion. All the others have at least hit “that wasn’t terrible” for me, and there’s been some legitimately top-tier stuff like Loki S2 and (most of)

I don’t see how they make Young Avengers work given how long it takes them to make these movies once they’re announced. Ms. Marvel, Ant Girl and Hawkeye 2.0 will be in their early thirties by the time the movie comes out.