
What do they call Mjolner?”

Lee declared to Vulture. They’ve remained friends, and Lee reportedly even gave feedback for the script of her abandoned self-directed biopic that was meant to star Julia Garner

I guess I just have one reason then. But it’s a good reason lol

Or straight away from it, I’m flexible.

‘Get Out’?! What, like ‘get out of the movie theater’?! What will audiences think?!”

I’m not convinced Johnson is a decent actor. If anything, people seem to have been amused by the fact that Johnson is visibly checked out of the Fifty Shades movies and Madame Web, the two most prominent roles she’s ever had.  These movies themselves aren’t good, and I get the sense that Johnson has turned in better

I’m with you on casting directors. Just a few days ago this site celebrated her lack of available fucks to give. If it’s me, I’m casting people who give lots of fucks about the projects they work on. 

Michael Cera specifically can only play hapless, young, nerdy white men. You need Jesse Eisenberg when your character is fully happed.

Filling that cylinder is what killed him.

Oh definitely. It’s dumb as hell but pretty dumb fun I’d say. Except for the end twist that (SPOILERS FOR A DECADE OLD MOVIE) Mark Ruffalo orchestrated the whole thing which undercuts the whole plot and means that the entire plot of him trying to catch them was pointless. It’s like if Ocean’s 11 ended with George

Any corporation gets to use your likeness any way they want as soon as you die? That seems overly reductive.

I’m pretty sure that D+ grade is a big “it’s not good” as it gets.

It's a mixed back.  First round models are always a crap shoot (the only new car I ever bought was an 05 mustang... while no major issues aside from killer airbags, a ton of minor ones that add up to frustration)... but Ford also wasn't telling me my mustang would be the sole survivor of the apocalypse while able to

Vans are AWESOME.  Panel vans, conversion vans, minivans....  Vans are great. As far as trades not using pickup trucks, the main exception I can think of for that is landscapers and lawncare providers. A lot of them use pickup trucks, and use them hard. But then, their work happens out in the elements, so getting

“I leave my iPod Nano, full of music to take life less seriously by.”

Despicable Me 3 is one of the highest grossing animated films ever. Illumination understands that they don’t need to worry about quality or story or critics or RT Scores (58%!) to make money from dumb schlubs and their mouth-breathing spawn. No one asked for your jokes - these parents just need 100 minutes of A/C and

Fair enough. Besides the ex-husband’s actions, divorces can wreak havoc on finances.

Thinking the same thing. $400K salary and only ~$850K in savings. Granted she is only 34, there should be much more net worth. She needs an intervention and a financial advisor.

The point of the article should be that cars are not an investment. They are, 99.99999% of the time, a depreciating asset. Kids, that means it loses value over time. An investment, it has the potential to increase in value and provide a return. You car ain’t that and if you find one that is, it is either very special