

“Well, one lesson I’ve learned is that just because I say something to a group and they laugh doesn’t mean it’s going to be all that hilarious as a post on X.” He later said, “Turns out that jokes are WAY less funny if people don’t know the context and the delivery is plain text.”

Is someone pushing a bunch of laser discs in Mexico?  I need to hear more about that person.

I think this situation is analogous to pumping gas. This happened when she got out to unhook the charger, which should have taken less than a minute. When I get out to pump gas, if I don’t plan on going inside the gas station and I’m going to be standing next to my car the whole time, I don’t bother grabbing my key

I suspected Gilbert might be the town in question. A lot of HOA communities and a push to keep things up-market as new housing is being built a few miles away in what was, 15 years ago, farms or desert.

Agreed.  Seems like foolish oversight to not have physical, mechanical access in the event of an emergency or malfunction.

Clearly you have never seen the pockets on women’s pants. Pockets which in many cases, do not exist. So pocket knives not really an option for everyone.

Every car: electric, hybrid, or ICE, should be legally required to always have at least one 100% mechanical lock and door mechanism.

Thanks for some context.

My three thoughts on this were:

Yeah that’s not the thing I have issue with. It’s this guy (Trey Rohrman) and his c*nty response: “I am not sure why so many are having an issue with following rules if such a challenge.”

Showing the same respect to laws and rules as Trump.

AirBnB owners are one of the driving forces of housing market inflation.  Houses are for living, not investments. 

I am going to guess 30k lbs of feathers.

Man, it really sucks when someone tells you what you can and can’t do with your body, like, taking away your choice to do something.

How about no screens?

Nobody that owns a recent smart phone would use the passenger screen. Its completely useless. Anything it can do, I can do faster and more comfortably on my phone. Bonus points for being able to upgrade said phone regularly. 

Watching the header gif alone makes me wonder if I need a tetanus shot now...