
Love her, and love her honesty and openness. I’m glad she’s sharing her experiences and giving voice to so many who have felt this way. 

I don’t think anyone with a chronic illness is surprised by any of this. People love to ask how you’re feeling so that they can congratulate you on being brave/a fighter/etc when you politely just say “fine” and downplay things. People don’t like when you actually acknowledge how much it fuckin’ sucks because that’s

You are misinformed. The “feminists” in question were Christian feminists who pushed the age of consent up to 16-18 from ages 8-12. With the primary goal being to combat prostitution (which is telling about who made up the bulk of prostitutes back then...). This was tied up in the temperance and suffrage movements.

Wait, are you talking about Joss Whedon? (I haven’t heard anything weird about Wil Wheaton, the only Wheaton I’m generally aware of...)

This thing is such a mess. Put aside styling aesthetics or feelings about the CEO and just looking at how it’s designed an put together and they really screwed a lot up. It’s a worse tow vehicle then their own Model X. It sucks as an actual truck from a loading and capacity perspective. Lots of things failing like

In the Tesla Cybertruck’s defense, it’s awful in plenty of other ways, too!

But more importantly, we learned today that the Infiniti J30 is a better truck than the Cybertruck.

He was on a press tour and of course rather than ask about the project he’s worked on and promoting, old relationship questions came up instead. Very stupid and unfair but part of the stupid and unfair game that is the film industry. Certainly no justification for "whatever" paradoxical delusional fans throw at him.

I remember the original 2 hour pilot for Battlestar Galactica, it was the most hotly anticipated show on the playground. It looked close enough to Star Wars, and everybody couldn’t wait to see it. Well, that night, President Carter cut into network television, can’t remember for what, probably to talk about the energy

I thought the movie was a lot of fun and IMO unfairly weighted down by an expectation for it to somehow elevate the genre despite its straight-to-streaming origins. I don’t think that’s why it flopped; I just thought some of the few people who saw it were unnecessarily harsh on it.

He was delicious.

He finally found a way to talk around the NDA Swift probably had him sign!

I’m sure he would prefer not to be remembered as Taylor Swift’s most generic boyfriend, just like William Howard Taft would have preferred not to be remembered for the White House bathtub thing. But such is life

What? She’s alive, healthy, and working at 73.

I don’t know if this is a review error or an actual plot point of the film, but Jane Seymour was not murdered. Seymour died of natural causes following childbirth. Does this movie suggest she was murdered? Is that a conspiracy theory I’m not familiar with because Seymour famously received a queen’s funeral and Henry

I feel like the streaming platforms that still do weekly episode releases are the ones doing it right. Make each drop appointment television that people (and social media) will spend the next week talking about, creating anticipation for the next episode. The availability of previous eps is the obvious advantage over

I forget the lady’s name. Her toddler daughter got strangled in a (Mercedes??) when stepping on the door armrest in the driveway. The mom went on a holy crusade to get car companies to change their design. Was a ton of work and everyone at the time called her an overbearing nag. She deserves a ton of credit. She

No, a horse does not prevent a DUI:

Sorry, my bad, this one’s on me. When I was around 7 years old I had my head out the window of my dad’s driver-side door from the back seat (a coupe and pre-seatbelt rules) and he tried to roll the window up, manual style, and obviously struggled with my head blocking the window. He didn’t know it was my neck or head