
“Help us, Siri, we’re suddenly lost in the ocean!”

And because it seems like a possible time to celebrate:

Remember when we all thought Disqus was a piss-poor commenting system?  Living history that it can always be worse.

Glenn Campbell - Wichita Lineman

It’s concealed?

Comments will be open.

“Pure Energy (What’s On Your Mind)“ by Information Society.

I mean, I’m not a maritime engineer, but I have used a bathtub, and... it’s Archimedes’ Principle, right? Does he think those massive warships are just really, really light?

“...we’ve been busy working to migrate the site off of Kinja and onto our own platform. There are a lot of changes in the works—scrubbing any AI-generated content; hiring a new editor-in-chief; bringing back some familiar writers and adding some new ones we hope you’ll like;”

I have no suggestions, but this news makes me deliriously happy.

Honestly I hope they keep thinking that until Tesla goes under because Musk keeps pissing off the only people who want to buy them.

He’s a fucking sociopathic idiot and I wouldn’t even trust him to sit the right way on a toilet seat.

It would seem the next logical step is to arrest Hudson and seize his car. And it seems city officials are considering it. A statement from the Seattle city attorney’s office to Fox 13 on June 10th said that the office is “looking into what more they can do.” Kind of makes you wonder why impounding his car wasn’t

Weird that the guy that commanded the armed forces forgot about the Navy.

Donald Trump is an ignorant racist misogynistic bloviating orange windbag who is utterly incapable of speaking a single grain of truth. He is a petulant man-child who whines insufferably and incessantly when things don’t go his way. He cannot accept fault. That he was allowed within 10 miles of the White House at all

Kotaku lost their comment section a month or so ago. Jalopnik is now the only G/O site that has comments which is crazy to think about. I’m sure the other sites including Jalopnik are on the selling block as well. 

The good Governor also breathlessly held a press conference to proclaim that he had decided to build a two billon dollar arena for the nearby NBA and NHL teams, with state financial guarantees, but without checking with the actual state financiers in the legislature. To which Senate Finance and Appropriations

C'mon, “Gruesome Newsom” was right there!

There’s so much of Trump’ POTUS that is Ianuccian, but perhaps the best bit was the cherry on top of the whole shebang: Four Seasons Total Landscaping.

Elaine devolves rapidly in the show around the dudetrio, and there’s even an arc where she finds a better version of them and becomes a better person but realizes she is addicted to being terrible and dumb.