
This is the best thing I have read from the AV Club in a long, long time. Beautiful, heartbreaking essay!

You really shouldn’t need different standards for children if you’re treating everyone as they should be treated though. Yelling ‘Children on the set!’ is gonna keep a predator who already wormed his way into the lives of the children from molesting them?

WTF, Vampire Weekend??

What is Coachella demographic? How many people there even knew who Blur was and, if they do, only know Song 2? Which they call that “woohoo” song

The problem with EV charging is you have almost no idea how long it will take. Whereas with a gas station, your max filling time is probably 10 min. per car. But really closer to 5 min per car. If we were even at 20% new cars as EV sales, public charging would be an absolute nightmare.

IMO it does not make sense to buy an EV if you are planning to rely on a charging network for anything outside of the occasional longer trip. If it is your commuter car, you’d better have a 40Amp+ charger in your garage or dedicated parking space. Anything else and you’re better off with a PHEV, HEV, or just regular

Well like the article says there’s a second letter with the “lol that was a fun prank wasn’t it? Please watch our movie.” Don’t know who thought of that brilliant idea, because I'm sure there were way more people than the one in this story who opened the creepy drawing letter first and got freaked out

This is both hilarious as a marketing campaign gone wrong, and a tragic and frightening state of affairs for where we are now in this country. That people expect political violence by the MAGA crazies. And why wouldn’t they, since the amazingly large mob’s fascist leader is very competitive at the moment for winning

That reminds me of the time I was working as a crew member on another Bill Paxton movie, Twister. Everyone ended up tripping balls because the lobster chowder was spiked with angel dus- HEY WAIT A MINUTE!

but with amphibians

Taffy machines don’t stretch this much.

I don’t think he’s talking about Timothee Chalamet. I think he means more YouTubers and TikTokers and other such “influencers” who are “famous” because they do a dance or model a piece of clothing.

Now playing

Not exactly his most iconic sketch, but still one of my absolute favorites.

Perfect. Don’t let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya! 

If we all agree, can we never have another article related to the Bachelor on AVC again?

“We just hope whoever is chosen as the Golden Bachelorette learns from her predecessors”

Hm. It's almost as though this whole concept is fucking stupid. 

No, he got acquitted because of LA’s notoriously corrupt, incompetent, and racist police force. The context of portions of Black America “celebrating” that acquittal is significantly more complicated than money.

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I’ll be revisiting these jokes as my way of paying my respects

I was in high school social studies class when the principal came on the PA to interrupt everyone’s classes to announce the verdict. It’s difficult to describe how fucking obsessed the nation was with this trial. The perfect storm of the birth of the 24 hour news cycle at a time when we could still have some kind of