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YES. The “holy text” thing was such a terrible decision. It flies in the face of what Ghostbusters was. Those guys shouldn’t be treated like saints. But fans want the creators to respect Ghostbusters, and apparently that translates to treating it with this sappy, reverential tone that doesn’t fit the property at all.

I’m always a bit mystified that people rarely credit Sigourney Weaver’s performance in Ghostbusters. Her acting elevated the movie, and the chemistry between her and Bill Murray created the heart of the story. IMHO, that’s the missing piece of the sequels - someone outside the primary quartet you actually cared about.

To be fair they started off that way.

If you gathered all the executives at Sony Pictures together and told them to boil a pot of water they’d end up burning down the house and then steal the insurance money.

I just wanted to say I’m sorry for all you’re going through, from an anonymous internet stranger. That really sucks. 

I had part of my colon removed last month and am having chemo for cancer. I wear a mask everywhere. Fuck Forrie.

The masks are saturated with Illuminati-engineered micro-chemtrails. Every time you exhale through a mask, it disperses a cloud of woke mind virus particles.

The ABC’s of conservatism:

I am really, REALLY curious how someone else wearing a mask affects him.

Pattie Boyd sells collection, including George Harrison, Eric Clapton love letters, for over $3 million

Anyone that is that insistent that they aren’t drunk is absolutely drunk. In other news, what an utter child. 

“She also said at the time that Cohen encouraged her to put her finger up his butt in the film’s final scene...”

Sort of like anyone I know who was declared themselves as ‘hating drama’ have been the most insufferably dramatic people I’ve ever known. 

Totally mystifying to me. She was even a great Catwoman! She is plenty cool enough for me

I’m pretty sure Madame Web is supposed to be seen high, on a couch, while mainly reading stuff on your phone.

While drunk?

I like Anthony Mackie as an actor, and Sam Wilson as a character, so I’m just hoping the movie does them both justice and is actually good. I’m perfectly fine with him as Captain America, but I also want them to tell a good story, preferably one that’s also meaningful.

In that respect yes, she knew exactly what she was getting into and I have no sympathy. But not being able to keep your own medical issues private from the circling vultures of the media and the consumers of the bilge they produce feels like something else. It’s crossing a line somehow.

Are people seriously still clutching their pearls over a movie having reshoots? Reshoots don’t say anything about an individual movie these days, although they definitely say something about the big-budget Hollywood machine.