
I love an artist with something to say. As Indigenous Reconciliation - especially here in Canada - becomes societally critical, the idea of Indigeneity overwhelming capitalism is a powerful thought. 

I dunno, this article doesn’t explain the circumstances well. The BI article says the car floated to the middle of the pond, and apparently, she had reversed over a limestone barrier wall. So it was going pretty fast, presumably. Also it’s midnight, so probably close to pitch black.

I just want to share, because I think sometimes it’s easy to feel despair when dealing with these huge entrenched problems: In my experience the impact of ‘Me Too’ has been absolutely seismic. 

The only “journalism” done on the gear selector is WSJ (the main article almost all the stories are based on) says the car was a 2020 Model X, which you can find uses a physical Mercedes column shifter that was released in 2006. Jalopnik did no such verification, they just “assumed” in their own words that it was the

I’m not a lawyer either but work in M&A and the fact that they didn’t have a partnership agreement that gave each partner first right of refusal if one wanted to sell is almost comically amateurish. I’ve literally never seen that, including among family members.  You lay that shit out while everyone is getting along

“The remaining claims include Pitt’s assertion that the couple had an ‘unwritten, unspoken implied contract’ that Jolie would not sell her shares without Pitt’s consent”

I’m not a lawyer, but that sounds rock solid to me.

I still don’t understand how it took the first responders almost an hour to get her out.

They probably tried. Maybe this kind of attention will get the council to act.

Bold assumption that no one has ever brought this up to the operating DOT, especially since the police have been called there on multiple occasions. Until the cost of sending cops out there outweighs whatever changes need to happen so people slow down, it is unlikely the municipality in charge will do anything.

Does anybody else remember this guy mainly as the fat nerd from Head of the Class?

A few years ago, I was backpacking through Europe and ended up in Malta

I’ve been to Popeye Village. It had been a dream of mine ever since I read an article in the WSJ, back in the 90's. A few years ago, I was backpacking through Europe and ended up in Malta, so I went.

Popeye’s real secret was that the spinach had steroids in it so not only did it make him stronger, but it also gave him roid rage.

I think it was less about the movie and the video game and more about the long tail of survival of all early 20th-century cartoons through the 1980s.

Do kids even know who Popeye is? I feel like the character was a 1930s relic that somehow barely survived into the ‘80s, and only because of the movie and a video game that was a rip-of of Pac-Man.

Maybe he didn’t know they were filming.

I love Star Trek but it feels like every time I read about one of Roddenberry’s rules or complaints about TNG they’re dumb as hell.

Under this program, customers would earn a stamp or NFT for completing “Journeys” in the metaverse. Those NFTs consisted of artwork created by Starbucks workers or other artists, and they could be bought or sold. Earning the stamps also unlocked additional benefits and interactive experiences for Rewards members.”

Oh, me too. And I doubt plant-based will be the same. So I’ll go on just not eating them. Now, if I could give pigs the same respect - they deserve it.

I LOVE octopus - and the creatures themselves too - so offering me a plant based option makes me very happy. I do not want to eat them anymore (it’s been YEARS anyway), but would happily try a substitute.