
abortion fund organizers are saying they’ve been asked to stop distributing contraceptives at the artist’s show because “children are present at the concerts.” (Which both we, and the organizers themselves, would argue, is kind of the point—sexually active teenagers aren’t going to stop being sexually active

Can these people go protest at like a fucking NASCAR race or Hummer convention or congressional session or something? This is such toothless, cowardly bullshit.

She says pilot FOUR times. And then he calls her a stewardess which is still not a correct term for flight attendant.

“We’re not protesting the event itself; we are not protesting theater; we are not protesting the emissions that brought spectators to get here. That’s not the point,”

Like, how hard is it to just not say transphobic things at your workplace? When your whole job is speaking words other people write for you... maybe you don’t need to say anything else? How does it even come up on the set of the Mandalorian?

When I quit Twitter last year, I kind of realized I didn’t care about any of this crap and nobody needed to hear me blather about everything. So I look at celebrities ruining their reputations ‘cause they can’t help themselves, and I just think it’s so unnecessary. Just shutting up is totally an option!

Hell, it’s even simpler than that! Her employer reportedly told her to cut the shit - multiple times - and she decided that preferred pronouns and “this was just like the Nazis” were hills to die on.

The name of the product might call to mind images of an enormous strip of meat cut lengthwise from a pepperoni log, like a protein-rich Fruit By The Foot, but the reality is much more manageable than that.

Which would be fine if the far left and the far right had equal amounts of influence, but only one of them has control over a one of our two major political parties. 

He wasn’t great. But I can’t really hold a 9 year old accountable for a bad performance. It’s not like he’s a professional who had spent decades honing his craft or dreaming about the project. Unlike the guy who wrote his part and directed his performance.

No, the prequels haven’t been “normalized” or redeemed. Showing them on regular cable a lot doesn’t make them better. Excusing them as “children’s films” or pointing out that Rise of Skywalker is worse doesn’t make them better or justify their low quality.

Has anyone in the Jalopnik staff actually driven the thing? I think it would be interesting to read a hands-on review by one of the editors. Several other automotive sites have posted reviews, and while most of their experiences listed many negatives, they have found a few positive things to say as well. Who knows?

I was the school punching bag for 5 years and was so unpopular I did NOT get voted to be the president of the D&D club.

Yeah, one person’s stupidity induced payout raises payments for us all. I don’t my insurance rates going up because we had to pay out to this pre-corpse’s family for their influencer chasing idiocy.

Thirty or forty seconds is more than long enough to kill a whole bunch of people, truckers do it every day.

Please find a charging station if your truck remains mobile after more than 4 hours.

Partial car at full price.  What a strategy!

For the last time, Cybertrucks are not for off-roading!