
He cannot. Dicks are generally not vegan.

Yeah, no they can’t stop it. This used to work anyway because it would get into the news cycle so every report would start with “And they’re playing a song that famed music artist, I dunno, Aqua, has said they don’t want played at this person’s rallies, citing that the candidate is “a turbo-fascist, like if you had a

oh, it’s not ‘bigmouth strikes again.’

I think that show wouldn’t work with a president more extreme than the character.


I like Stewart. I’m happy to have him back, especially with this being an election year.

It shouldn’t be saved. It’s idiotic copaganda that follows basically the same pattern every season and every show. The people who still watch it will be fine with however many thousand episodes exist.

The last great episode of Law and Order was 11 years ago and it was on Community.

The City of Roselle California Police Department” ?
Do you mean “The City of Roseville, California Police Department”?

The California PD”
California doesn’t have a Police Department. Roseville does though.

Exactly, and same for Leo. There can be only five nominees per category, and neither of them did better in their respective roles than the five actors whose performances got the nods. Both DiCaprio and Robbie are People’s Choice type actors whose “snubs” will always spur dumb lists like this one, but it’ll be the

“Your honor, we never employed this young man, we never told him to do this job. He simply wandered back there one day and started working, and you want us to force this happy young man to stop living his dream, making the food he loves? What if he had cancer and this were his one wish, would you still call us

Two 10-year-old children were found to have been working as late as 2 a.m. for no pay

People keep feeding the troll.

I hate self-checkout with a blinding passion (with the exception of less than 5 items, when it can be useful). That said, a lot of grocery stores are having a really hard time with staffing in general.

And there are ear plugs specifically made for concerts. Decibullz makes plugs for different situations that you custom mold to your ear. I have them for the shooting range and they are excellent. They block loud percussion sounds while normal is just a little muffled. Even if they didn’t provide them, the dancers

So grocery chains are going to continue to cut cashier staff because the self checkout machines will obviously take care of everything, which means that now in order to eat we will all be required to submit our faces along with identifying information into a database we have no control over, which is going to be used

I’m fine with it, but you know some genius will soon tie it to security cameras that recog your face when you walk in, then show you targeted ads on monitors throughout the store, because everything tech is a slippery slope nowadays.

The old AV Club is dead. We should hold a way for it.

Coen Brothers, George Clooney as the crusty old pawn broker.

If you know what Burt’s Bees is, that news might give you some pause, since the brand (owned by Clorox)