
Exactly. Baldwin may be a huge tool, but there’s no way this is his fault unless he did something like grab the gun from the armorer prematurely, elbow him in the face and said, “Fuck off, let’s do this!”

FFS way to make me take Baldwin’s side in something, New Mexico.

The strike didn’t help, and definitely puts some noise into the system that makes yearly comparisons difficult. But I have to think the main underlying issue is that these streamers were dumping billions of dollars into original programming at a pace that was completely unsustainable. The cost of the LOTR Rings of

I think the real issue is what kind of damages could be claimed here. If you saw the show then you got your ticket price worth. Uber surge pricing or cab fare if the subway was no longer running?

My local venue has been starting shows right on time lately, it’s friggen awesome.

This goes to show that you should always bring my laptop, headset, and ringlight so you can catch up on emails and hold important meetings with key partners while waiting to finally see Madonna perform “La Isla Bonita” live.

Good.  Buy a membership, it’ll keep my prices down.

Funny how the assumption was that they were all best buddies, when as McCarthy points out they were all really just getting started and trying to establish their own personalities and work portfolios. The actual Rat Pack was made up of career performers who didn’t give the first fuck what anyone thought - they were

“Hey see this kid trying to make the world better? Fuck her, amirite?”

“Hey, this drink tastes like seal poop!”

“I have to go now. My planet needs me.”

Hey, it's LITTLE orphan Annie, not Tall For Her Age Annie! 

Wait, what are you saying? Hollywood has been lying to us?

I love Bob’s Burgers. But for two things:

Not really a surprise. This was, like, the third awards show in as many weeks. People are fucking tired at this point. 

It's a rom com, so by "perfect height match," he probably means "man is a few inches taller than woman in heels."

G/O Media “writers” aren’t exactly known for their attention to detail.

Agree. I wouldn’t call it the best Marvel show, stacked against stuff like Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Loki and WandaVision. But it was definitely the most consistently fun.

A pity— She-Hulk was by far the Marvel TV series that I most enjoyed watching. It knew the kind of story it wanted to tell, it wasn’t laden down with the baggage of having to advance some sort of cross-property plotline, and Maslany was effortlessly charming in it. I can see how the CGI budget for it must have been

garam marsala