
Grammar!!! for $1000! Good job, teach!

It was not my intention to hurt or demean”

What was the intention then, Ye?

Got him on some new meds? Or any at all?

She’s a woman, therefore paid $0.80 on the dollar, so it evens out...

The fake Macy’s kids clothes commercial and Best Christmas Ever are also great

Now playing

The Macy’s ad belongs here. Not specifically Christmas but close enough and freaking hilarious, especially the kid giggling while Heidi and Mikey bicker.

Why did NDAs ever cover criminal behavior...

That right there is how someone who doesn’t appreciate cheese talks.

A long time ago, specifically 2002, in a galaxy far far away...

To be fair, the music the band’s playing being called jizz makes more sense in that context.

I have never understood why people do this. The same sort of insane lines and waits existed for Shake Shack when they first opened up in my state. A week or so later, hype had fallen off a cliff and it operated like a normal fast food chain again.

It sound like a game of Snyder Bingo where every card is a winner.

Many commenters across the Redditverse say that, yes, it is worth the long wait for your food.

TJ Miller comes to mind. In the mid-2010s, he was a regular cast member on a very successful HBO show (Silicon Valley), was regularly in a handful of movies every year including some big franchises, and regularly toured his stand-up with a couple of specials produced. Plus he did voices on commercials too. It’s not

I think Marvel publicly firing Majors within minutes of his guilty verdict being made public means they have zero interest in giving him any additional screen time or the opportunity to make a graceful exit.

The multiverse saga was always, always too close after the Infinite War saga. They needed a much more extended period of building up to it, and not do victory laps as much (Nowhere Home, Multiverse of Madness, a few others with lots of winks).

They’re kind of stuck now but I wouldn’t hate them elongating stuff and

I really Britta’d my original comment.

Bam Sarbanti is doing a piece to ca-me-rah!

In this case, it's "a movie and six seasons!"

Why would anyone make a show about a regular human bartender?