
If you’re going to eat it right out of the can, the preferred method is to open the lid, but leave it attached so that it sticks up, hobo-style.

“But who likes cold soup anyway”
Broke TikTokers who stay up 24 hours a day in their apartment trying to hustle money out of dummies watching them.

Cognitive dissonance implies there was cognition to start with.

I also wouldn’t be the least bit concerned if none of them had. I remember Gibson because his self-confident (pre-meltdown) persona was perfect for the overconfident chicken and he has a very distinctive voice but otherwise have no idea who was in an animated movie I saw two-plus decades ago.

If I believed that soup companies were knowingly shipping botulism tainted soup, I would have a lot more concerns about consuming it than just the temperature.

I heat my soup to scare away the can demons.

What a terrible loss at such a young age. Is there anything this actor couldn’t do? Deadpan humor of B99, pathos in Men of a Certain Age, heroic Henry V Shakespeare in the park. Pembleton! The lights are dimmed tonight in Hollywood. 

There are so many good episodes.  Bloody Ferlin always stands out to me.  I just love Ray, and in a lot of ways he’s similar to Lana.  Serious about his job and highly skilled at his job and having to be surrounded by all this ridiculousness.

Cecil Terwiliger. Spent four years at clown college, aka Princeton.

He’s excellent in the show Julia, playing Julia’s diplomat/spy husband. It’s an interesting character that is completely different from Niles, aside from fondness for fine food and wine. And Pierce convincingly plays straight, though though the romance is between a long married couple. So Pierce is still working in

Personally, I would like to see a photo of his condor - I hear it’s enthralling.

The flex account joke from the first season. That’s what got me hooked on the show. If they can include chocolate boobs and a flex account joke in the same show, then I have to watch it.

Ohhh, so that’s why the subplot with the Chicago Bulls was cut.

Yeah, there’s definitely a handful of super obvious questions for which they ought to have at least tried to get answers. Like even a “we reached out but no response” effort.

I have numerous booze free vodka dispensers in my house.  They also dispense alcohol free everclear.

*Robot dancing intensifies.

A good pizza takes a lot of labor too. Making dough and sauce from scratch takes time, not all of it is inactive. That person’s time is worth money, especially if they are good at it.  Some places make their own sausage or mozzarella. Sure, you can cut corners. That’s how Dominos and other chains do it. But you won’t

Sounds like

Looks like a place to get your sugar with coffee and cream.