
I further wonder why they need to have THAT MUCH caffeine. Caffeinated lemonade, sure - but damn that’s a lot per serving.

They are self-serve, and those signs are accurate to the last time I was in a Panera, anyway. Here’s the thing: people don’t always read signs, and when they do, it doesn’t always click what that MEANS. Like, 390 mg of caffeine is objectively a lot, but I’m not sure people understand what that means compared to a

It’s like they’re actively trying to drive their franchises out of business.

I watched two minutes of Barbie, followed by three minutes of Oppenheimer, followed by two minutes of Barbie, and so forth, as the filmmakers clearly intended.

Right? This is nuts. Though I guess it is a bit different these days when movies are actually pretty expensive and everyone’s wallets are already stretched tight, maybe they can only afford one movie a week or so. They care more about the splash of who had the biggest “opening weekend,” and people are usually going to

I think Murphy’s right that Barbenheimer will never happen again, but you can bet your sweet tush that Hollywood is gonna try their darndest to make it happen every time a pair of stylistically differing movies come out near one another.

It’s a weird thing about Hollywood. They aren’t mutually exclusive, and don’t have to compete. They aren’t concerts. Just because I watch one movie doesn’t mean I can’t watch the other.

HOUSTON.  Whitney HOUSTON. Fucks sake...

I’d pay to prevent that.

Are we sure the thrower wasn’t Olivia Wilde?

Yeah, like the problem is not hers, it’s that the management allows him up there. So her options are either a) sit in the crowd with the public, which is a non-option since she would be swarmed by Swifties immediately, or b) stop going to the games altogether, which she could do, but clearly she likes going to them

Chocolate oranges, the dark ones, are good! Cherry cordials can be quite good if they are a quality brand. Bittersweet is a great flavor combination.

No slide show, cool!

This reminds me of Cab Calloway’s friendship with Randy Hitler.  Turns out the fans were right about that one.  

Oh, God no. The problem with these sorts of stories, from “Shattered Glass” onwards, is that they focus on the identity thief instead of what made it so easy for them to pretend to lie and get away with it. It’s a more human story, I suppose, and certainly one that easier to tell. But in the end, who cares? George

“I put a black screen on my Instagram”

At some point in the life of every person who is blessed enough to reach an older age, you will think to yourself “God, those college kids care about the wrong things! And they’re pushy about it! I hate that!”

As someone who plays a lesbian journalist on The Morning Show, I am more offended by it as a lesbian than I am as a Jew,”

As someone who watched the movie Yentl last week, I feel I’m in a special position to know that . . .