
I think the selfless billionaire archetype would garner him a good amount of support.

The success has made owner Todd Graves the fast food sector’s Elon Musk.

It was the damn referee! Wellington was clearly out of bounds and everyone in the stands could see it!

Yeah...yeah! That’s the ticket.

Well that was a rabbit hole.

Scott denies that his mother was a hamster, but is noticeably silent on the subject of his father smelling of elderberries.

French GQ responded to Scott’s comments by farting in his general direction.

“I’m sorry your honor, I fired everyone who knows how to find the code and the printer’s out of something, and yeah... fired them too...”

Him and Trump would be tossed out characters from a first draft for being too unsubtle.

You forgot Trump very quickly.

Never has there been a man so clearly in need of his father to hug him and tell him he’s proud of him.   I can’t imagine being that rich and still having such a fragile ego 

He should cut to the chase and sue himself.

Appernetly Scrooge McMusk is blaming the media matters article about ads on Twitter showing up next to extremist content as to why he’s loosing sponsors and not the fact that he’s agreeing with extremist content. This is despite the fact that Media Matters has ran a similar story almost monthly for over a year siting

Oh, that’s definitely Rowling.
Elon’s days were always numbered until the truth came out about how little he actually contributed to the things that made him famous in the first place. Jo actually did the thing that made her famous, so she’d still be sittin’ pretty if she hadn’t made the choice to lean hard into

It grew three sizes that day...

-3 years in the biz? That’s even less than me!

I feel so bad for him. On one of the pictures he put up on Twitter, he responded to someone’s condolences just saying “I’m suffering” and it was such a stark and bare phrase, so devoid of any kind of linguistic flourish or phrasing that it absolutely broke my heart. Dana Carvey is suffering and it makes me very sad.

Now playing

I still remember Dana’s appearance on Letterman way back (1992!) where he talked about Dex. Letterman seemed puzzled about the name Dex, so Dana spelled it out.

Letterman was a guest on Strike Force Five, the podcast the five late night hosts did during the WGA strike. I highly recommend it and you don’t have to like all the late night shows to enjoy it. They just sit around shooting the shit, teasing each other relentlessly, (Fallon gets the worst of it, deservedly so) and