
It’s a hollow cover version that vanishes in the ether.

Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire

Lame! Your header photo isn’t even a actual photo of any of these things.

So have I.  JC was always the better singer.

You’re really trying to make this whole “The Mutliverse of Madness was bad, actually” thing happen, aren’t you?

So, what we’re learning here is that the true heroes of the MCU, Sarah Halley Finn and the casting department, remained stellar. As disappointing as The Dark World was, the casting allowed for the movie to survive based on the quality of the performances.

I never disliked Dark World as much as others, but then again, Thor and Loki have always been my favorites in the MCU (now joined by Dr. Strange and Shang-Chi). I also really enjoyed Multiverse of Madness.

It sounds like lazy writing, to be honest. “What’s a good way to create relationship drama? I know! One of them cheats on the other!” If that’s all you can come up with, you’re not that good of a writer.

Love advice from House is both the best and the worst advice ever!

You know I saw it once what, 25 years ago? So I don’t remember much beyond I thought it was weird.

Exactly. I think they know there’s an audience for shows that feature criminals and vigilantes beating the crap out of each other but who don’t care for multiverses, cosmic hijinks or aliens. ‘Echo’ is there to hook those people.

The problem was not the book. The problem was when he was asked a total softball of a question about the book and accidentally dropped his pants to show his ass to the world.

“We plan to demonstrate in court, undeniably and irrefutably, that bitches be whack.”

Fisk arranged it in some manner that’s escaping me now. I don’t remember if he fed info to Hawkeye or just used her father as a distraction while he got away, but it was something in that general area. Maya realized that he’d been set up because of what Clint told her, and then confirmed that the syndicate was aware

I’ve never been to a 3.5 hour play that didn’t have at least one intermission, and many had two.

Seriously!  If you make a 3-hour movie, put in an intermission.  Movies used to have intermissions.  You’d think that a film historian like Scorsese would know this.  

As someone who can pretty easily go 8-10 waking hours without peeing, I don’t need intermissions, but I wouldn’t necessarily mind them. I certainly don’t see how independent theaters choosing to hit pause for their customers is a violation of anything. It feels like any language in the licensing agreement being used

Eh, I have all the respect in the world for the man and his films, but Scorsese can fuck himself on this one. Build in a goddamn intermission. If every scene of your film is so important that it has be 3.5 hours long, then your choice is either building in an intermission or expecting theatergoers to miss several

“People say it’s three hours, but come on, you can sit in front of the TV and watch something for five hours. Also, there are many people who watch theatre for 3.5 hours. There are real actors on stage, you can’t get up and walk around. You give it that respect, give cinema some respect.”

I mean, if someone wrote a play about how I was an asshole, and then they were like “bUt It’S fIcTiOnAl” I would be super irritated. People who watch this play aren’t going to walk away saying “that was funny, but of course it’s not a documentary and I shouldn’t let any of this content color my opinion of Richard