
Every school lunch was the same for me: A sandwich, a 1-oz. bag from the Lays variety pack (Golden Flake SUUUUUUUCKS), fruit, and cookies.

That’s a weird reaction to have to a pretty anodyne statement

When I was a kid, my mom never packed our school lunches, we ate school provided meals at the cafeteria and if we didn’t eat them, my folks could care less. Eat or starve, kid.

Having a character named Ouroboros say “It’s like a snake eating its own tail!” as though that’s at all clever or cute. It’s not! That’s literally what the character’s name means!)

I don’t understand the outrage here—Britney isn’t even mad at him.

I was feeling unenthused after episode 3, but holy shiiiiiit this was a ride with a ballsy af ending. Yeah, we “know” the characters will be okay, but we want the ride to be fucking fun. The way it was played out in the end, pure heroic everything, SLICE

Did you miss the bit of dialogue where OB states if they reboot the system, it will shut off the thingy that stops magic from working in the TVA? Both Loki and Sylvie shout “DO IT!” when they hear that.

The Ouroboros model scene is a delightful riff on the Back to the Future scene and here for it.

Loki reflecting on Thor’s time on Earth was probably my favorite part of this episode. I really love that these shows allow the characters time to breath.

It’s true. He has some sole searching to do.

Madonna’s status as the biggest-selling female recording artist of all time has been reaffirmed by Guinness World Records, with 400 records sold

Tarantino should probably get therapy, but I don’t know if he’d want to foot the bill.

Agreed, but this cracked me up:

And then we had to destroy it, because it was too perfect and we were too proud of it!

I’m glad they are finally putting this series out of our misery. I had the misfortune of watching the second one at home on a rainy Saturday afternoon. What a dreary, drab, lifeless, incoherent mess. These film make the “Hobbit” trilogy look great in comparison.

“Old timey magical naturalist and his global adventures that lead him to write a famous book” actually could have gone over well. Never the juggernaut that the original Potter series was, but that is a pretty good set up especially for an established and well loved IP that had tons of fans wanting more exploration.

Oh wow, glad I stopped paying any attention after the first, sort-of OK movie.

Yes, I’m doubtful that they want the end of the series to be primarily about Princess Diana, or to be focused on events already covered by The Queen.  I would expect the first half of the series to cover all the events surrounding Diana’s death, including the Queen’s response, so the second half can return the focus

Oh my god again the idiots are out in full force with some form of “Comedian tells joke that’s fake, news at 11”.

After this all blows over they will melt down these articles and sculpt new ones from the drippings.