
I blame Wilson for not telling Tim the right thing to do in the final 10 minutes.

I mean, let’s also be honest here — when the allegations about Majors came out this project was in the can and probably mostly edited. It was way, way too late to do anything about it.

We used to call my great-aunt on the other side of the state — this is when long distance calls cost money — during Playhouse or his prime time specials, just to say the secret word and hear her scream, because we knew she’d be watching too.

Sounds like JTT for the win here.

We can rebuild him, we have the technology.

Now playing

I can’t help thinking of the chicken wire in front of the stage when the Blues Brothers played a C&W venue.

Did they throw the drink because she was lip synching? It’s still not ok but it was funny how the rap kept going after she threw the mic.

Sam, if you’re reading this, are you smelling burnt toast?

Ain’t no restaurant individually peeling garbanzos for a five-gallon batch of “ethereally smooth” hummus. We cook them in a large excess of water with baking soda, constantly stirring and straining out as many skins as possible, you can usually get about 90% of them that way – and then passing the hummus through a

This is great - because if they unionise they'll become too expensive for production companies and they won't be able to out-cheap non-junk TV. 

I didn’t hate it, but after finishing the whole series, it certainly felt very anticlimactic.

Don’t forget Page Six and the Daily fucking Mail!

You post the kind of tabloid shit TMZ is known for, use TMZ as a source, and include a dig at TMZ for posting tabloid shit. Jesus Fucking Christ.

When we want Domino’s it’s because we suddenly realize we just don’t want to cook anything and just want food now, and generally it’s so much faster and easier to drive over and pick it up than wait an hour or more for delivery.

that seemed to be a common consensus, that Billy acted way more adult than Shazam and it made it a challenge to believe they’re the same person.  Given that the Billy actor is older, probably would’ve made more sense for Zach to tweak his performance to lean a little less heavily on the kid part, especially since that

Especially in the second film, where he makes absolutely no attempt to match the kid’s performance, so it feels more like Freakazoid where Billy gets taken over by a completely different person rather than just turning into an adult.

The family interaction between the normal kid is the main attraction not the superhero version of them. This is just another lackluster story with more CGI. The sequel shouldn’t cost more than the last one if they focus on the story.

If nothing else AoS deserves higher just because it managed to do so many stories. I think given time, Loki and the other D+ shows could be better, but they’re at just a single season.

Sigh. AoS had to sustain its quality over multi seasons. Most of the ones ahead of it had to hold up for what; two, three max, and in some cases eight or so episodes. FatWS was alright and reached the level of regular AoS mini archs but never approached the best ones. Certainly did not reach the level of imagination.

The first season was crap, the second season was all over the place and wasted Lucy Lawless, and the fifth season was a massive regression in quality. Season 3 was fun but the series peaked with the fourth, and the writers never seemed to grasp how much of an arsehole Fitz was.