
The dividers crack me up. That’s peak security theater right there. 

I was surprised to see some buffets bouncing back. Even before the pandemic, they were a dicey proposition. People ducking under the sneeze guard to get their food, little kids grabbing stuff with their bare hands, people reusing plates, and who knows how long everything has been sitting out. When the world was

I like to imagine that Redmayne does every interview as a whisper yelling combo like his Jupiter ascending character.

Who wants this movie to succeed the most? Lavar Ball! Cause that movie’s coming next! (in Lavar’s mind only)

Impossible Soylent Green, which is made from plant based people. Except they aren’t plant based. They are actual people. 2022 is gonna be rough.

I’m 45. Please don’t tell me that’s basically the same thing as 56, because I just don’t think I can handle hearing that.

If i looked at the word vomit right: he does not see ‘gay’ or ‘straight’ as sufficient queues that would require actors to be gay for the role of a gay person and straight for a straight person. If you squint it’s sort of fair: what is ‘gay’ and what is ‘straight’ leads to the type of stereotyping that hurts everyone.

Honestly, my main criticism of Bardem’s casting just comes down to the fact that he looks too imposing and weathered to play someone who was kind of a baby-faced young-looking guy

I really find the ugly Christmas sweater phenomenon dispiriting. It was funny for a hot minute as a party idea, based on the notion that many of us had mothers/aunts/grandmothers that gifted us something made with far more love than good taste. But now it has become just another marketing opportunity, a chance to sell

Pshaw! How many of these so-called donut loving cities have a Donut Taco Palace?!? Plus kolaches!!!

an award-winning phlebotomist, forty percent zinc by weight, paddled all the way up the Mississippi, smarter than the average bear, expert in Roman military history, Hayley Atwell’s godfather, more human than human, transparent to radio emissions, knows where missing socks go, immune to lava, and caught the silver

I mean, this is how they talked about Kidman’s casting when the teaser dropped:

I’ll be damned, he did! My cheap jibe has become a learning moment. I wonder if he played him as some kind of intense oddball genius who delivers all his lines in a superior mutter?

My dear boy, why don’t you just try acting?

I’m by no means a fan of the guy, but maybe the internet shouldn’t be so mean to someone whose biggest crime (unless I’m overlooking something) is that he’s super corny. This isn’t even about whether or not James Corden should get to be in Wicked--I certainly couldn’t give a shit--but maybe it perpetuates some

Sometimes hating people just becomes a meme, and people are sheep.

How much do I have to pay for a version without all the Nazis?

Happy little answers in the form of a question. 

Or using CRISPR to engineer an actual giant red dog.

I’m amused by people saying they came late to Harry Potter meaning they first encountered the series in their teens. I first encountered it in my late 30s, when I had a child who had just gotten old enough to ask me to read it to her. Later that year the Order of the Phoenix movie came out, and after that, the final