
Holy hell, what am I looking at? It looks like he had the top of a kid’s head transplanted.

The focus on plant-based meat misses the mark for the vegans I know. It’s not a bad thing in and of itself, but they’d mostly rather have things like actual vegetable options, non-meat protein like seitan, legumes, etc. and *vegan cheez*- that’s the big one. Pizza without cheese is sad. Pizza with veggies and Daiya is

LOL wut? Did you forget the /s tag?

Because he’s a fucking sociopath like his dear old dad.

There are lots of innocent people sitting in jails.  Why help this guilty person?

Land of the Lost is fucking hilarious.

I didn't see the Sherlock and Holdmes he and John C. Reilly did, but my friend who watches everything told me he turned it off midway through.

I’m kind of terrified of how bad this script was, considering he said yes to Bewitched. And Curious George. And Land of the Lost. And Daddy’s Home. And Zoolander 2. And The House. And Daddy’s Home 2. And Downhill.

Deadline’s story says Flatiron Books won the rights “with a deal in the mid-seven figure range”

That’s pretty cool.  Not only for their stated reasons, but because of the renewed interest/appreciation for the original.  Now instead of just one example hanging in a museum or a vault or some private collection, now there’s a thousand examples out there, with everyone wondering “is this the real one Warhol

It’s like everyone forgot Mango.

Ahh, a non-news story that admits as much and also sounds like it was written by someone who holds only disdain for the material referenced. Gotcha.

“I won’t comment further on how they got there.”


If I am hosting a party, I usually go with Pulled Pork. Its still one of the cheapest cuts to buy and is outstanding if you cook it low and slow. And, I dont even have a smoker, I just put it in the oven at 250 until it reaches 190. Mix it with a homemade NC bbq sauce and its like 7 lbs of food for like $25.

Joan Rivers was a jerk, definitely, but jerks can be compelling and even sympathetic protagonists. She certainly had to deal with an insane amount of bullshit as a female comedian back in her time. Anyone who Jerry Lewis makes a completely serious death threat against is bound to have lived an interesting life.

Glad they aren’t going to Jackie Jormp-Jomp this project.

Someone get this man a diner, drive -in, or dive, stat.


This is the right answer. Flavored beans make gross chemical swill coffee, but flavored creamer is fine.