
Cool story bro, but a lot of people passed on LoR.

DC’s response:

Oh, the Nolan model is definitely preferable to the Snyder model. It’s just I’ve been thinking recently of the sort of Batman movie I would like, and I realized I don’t want Nolan realism or Snyder grimdark or Burton gothic-camp or Schumacher camp-camp. The closest to what I want is a recreation of what it felt like

Ted Sarandos is going to kick a shivering Dickensian orphan lying in a gutter.

Because Netflix isn’t the government, they’re a private employer and can fire you for all kinds of things, including speech that reflects badly on them.

Yeah, because one thing is “comedy” and the other is proprietary, confidential information you’re contractually obligated not to disclose and could probably reasonably infer that, should you share it, you won’t have that job very long.

Her demographics don’t matter, and her firing isn’t anti-free speech.

Netflix already curates the content you watch. They are a business. Disney curates the content you watch, Hulu, HBO. Google curates the content you find. We give up some freedom for easy and cheap.

I was on the AV Club in ye olden times. You are not what was great about it. I laughed out loud, a lot, during Gadby’s specials. You can have a comedy special that both makes you laugh and makes you think. But Gadby making people uncomfortable by speaking about her personal trauma as a victim of misogyny and

I feel this says a lot more about you than it does about Gadsby and Nanette. Yikes, pal.

*bad janet beep*

Nearly all cats that spend time outdoors have poop that’s laced with toxoplasma gondii bacteria,

Was it soup?

It’s not terribly surprising that a director might not remember over 15 years later whether or not an actor was going to school. I’m lucky if I can remember what I ate for dinner 3 days ago.


Now playing

I have seen way too many hack comedians make “ironically” racist jokes and than go full mask off racist later down the line.

I eat a lot of unsalted cashews.

The “religiously opposed” can fuck right off because superstition does not give you the right to endanger other people’s health.

Who, the children???

Which I imagine is all of it. English wine, ugh.